Whilst at the cabin I received reports of both Pomarine and Long-tailed Skuas that should have been heading my way but without me managing to see them although I did find another Arctic Skua and a Black Guillemot (both rare in these parts).On Sunday morning a male Surf Scoter was reported from further south and was heading north towards me. I had a hope of seeing it but no real expectation of actually succeeding. When a few hours later I found a flock of scoter resting on the sea I of course had to grill them. It was long range and terrible light and the birds were sleeping but then a porpoise surfaced right by them and they all stuck their heads up nervously and voila - one had big white areas on its head😊. This is a real blocker on the Akershus county list with just one prior single observor (but photographed) record which has now been supplemented by my single observor and NOT photographed record.
Butterflies are always a focus when we are staying here and I thought I had added Wood White to the area list but have retracted that observation as I didn’t get a photo and subsequently had some confusing small Green-veined Whites. Dingy and Grizzled Skipper and Green-underside Blue were the undoubted highlights with only 2 other species noted - Brimstone and Orange Tip.
I added Icterine Warbler to my year list and a Red-backed Shrike singing in a neighbouring garden was a true surprise as I failed to see any on the usual clearings (probably still too early).
A Spotted Flycatcher (gråfluesnapper) in the garden |
An Arctic Skua (tyvjo) harrying a Common Gull (fiskemåke) |
Red-backed Shrike (tornskate) singing in a neighbouring garden |
We had many sightings of Porpoises (nise) |
A Grizzled Skipper ( bakkesmyger) |
A Dingy Skipper (tiriltungesmyger) |
A couple of Slow Worms (stålorm) mating under a bush in the garden |
This picture was supposed to document the Surf Scoter (brilleand).. |
Green-underside Blue (kløverblåvinge) |
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