Sunday 14 February 2021

Water Rail fest

I have previously mentioned the Water Rails that are wintering at Østensjøvannet but haven’t gone into too much detail as I didn't want to give them too much attention. They have however now become very popular amongst photographers (in time honoured fashion as soon as one person posts  a good picture on Facebook then many others want to take their own version) so I may as well publish this post. The prolonged very cold conditions are undoubtedly hard for this species but the very small stretch of a tiny stream that never freezes over seems to provide enough food although extra food (oats and seeds) that are tossed out by birders and photographers is probably a vital addition to their diet. Before it got too cold and the birds could find food in the adjoining reedbed it seems that one bird was quite territorial but when everywhere else froze over upto three birds have used the stream and then there seems to be far fewer territorial squabbles. I assume this is because the birds will rather use their limited energy to find food (I recently saw a video of a territorial struggle between Water Rails that resulted in one killing the other).

Of the three birds one is an adult whilst the two others are first winter birds. The adult is dark grey on its cheek and throat whereas the 1st winter birds have brown within the grey and a pale chin. The eye colour of the adult also seems to be a darker red although I am not sure whether this is due to different light when I took the photos of the individual birds. This photo compares the three birds.

One of the 1
st winter birds had a damaged leg on the day I took these pictures and video (28 January) and was clearly in a poor state of health. It spent most of its time standing still and was very puffed up whereas as the other birds were actively feeding (a necessity at this time of the year) and looked much sleeker. The cause of the injury is most likely from an uncollared black cat that I saw in the area on most occasions I have visited and twice it was clearly stalking the rails and lunged for them. (the injured bird was not as far as I know seen again after this day).

1st winter bird (middle bird in the comparison shot above) and most showy of the birds

here swallowing a seed

the injured 1st winter (left hand bird in the comparison shot)

it spent a long time standing here seemingly enjoying the sun

the adult bird

the adult photographed on 3 Feb

Water Rail tracks

and with cat tracks

and here is the rail hunter - a very unwanted and devastating addition to nature the world around

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