Tuesday 12 November 2019

Big dump of snow

Snow fell this weekend with a really solid dump on Monday morning although already by Tuesday it had turned to rain. The snow though gave some opportunities for new photos on the continued theme of variation on a theme. I tried yesterday to find over 100 Grosbeaks in Oslo but “only” managed 88 with a single group of 44 and today I found 70 without visiting half the areas I visited yesterday. I also added the species to the garden list with a flyover.

With the snow I had a real hope to get a picture of a Groz pulling off a rowan berry from a snow covered bunch of berries and then have snow drizzling down on it. Even though I saw that happen I did not manage to capture it digitally and due to there being fog the light was also so poor that the pictures I did get are of poor quality. Still, it gives me an excuse to keep on taking more shots!

I also noted and took pictures of some other species for a change 😉

Waxwing (sidensvans)

Dipper (fossekall) - this bird was singing

Willow Tit (granmeis)

Grosbeaks are turning up in the town now with these berry trees having held up to 19 birds for a few days now
this bird was right over a road (car passing beneath it)

dislodged snow but not the picture I had pictured in my mind

7 birds

a clump of snow did fall down but doesn't look that cool

by the metro

one bird landed on the ground and I played around with the exposure...

3 red males together

Two very differently coloured red (adult) males

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