Julian and I gave Fornebu a couple of hours this morning but
it has to be said there ain’t much happening at the moment – there aren’t many
birds in this ‘hood.
When the first snows come it often results in a mini influx
of birds escaping even worse things further north but the first snows have this
year arrived over most of middle and southern Norway at the same time so birds
have most likely just exited Norway in one step.
The Bearded Tits (skjeggmeis) are still hanging on but only
revealed their presence by calling a handful times but being silent for over 10
minutes at a time. We couldn’t locate any Water Rails (vannrikse) or Jack
Snipes (kvartbekkasin) along the edges of the reedbeds or the few areas of open
water but did have a female Teal on a very small and ice free pool in a reedbed
and found some fresh Woodcock (rugde) tracks which weaved through a large
shrubby area but without us locating the bird.
Maridalsvannet is still largely ice free and held a pair of
Whooper Swans (sangsvane) but there were few birds at the feeding stations.
There were no really photo opportunities today and it was gloomy - these give a taste though:
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Storøykilen at Fornebu with a few Tufted Ducks and Mute Swans at the edge of the ice |
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even at ISO 6400 it still looks very gloomy (and grainy) as seen in this picture of the Teal |
Woodcock (rugde) tracks. I have no expertise in this area but Julian knows his stuff and a check in my Tracks and Signs guide confirms this. I estimated the total length of each footprint to 4-5 cm. |
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