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my first Wheatear (steinskvett)of the year |
Southerly winds continued today and now there is nothing
stopping the birds. There were no huge flocks or visible waves of migrating
birds but all through the day when one looked up into the sky (providing there
wasn’t fog!) there were small groups of thrushes, finches, Wood Pigeons and
other birds to be seen heading north. The movement seemed to increase in the
afternoon when it became warmer but it was also easier to see as low cloud and
fog was a feature of the morning.
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male Ring Ouzel (ringtrost) in Maridalen |
When there is such active migration it becomes quite
stressful as one isn’t sure where to be and it becomes a trade off between
checking as many locations as possible or staying put and seeing what comes to
I started off early in Maridalen where there was thick fog
but already in the first fields as I left the city there were thrushes. In fact
I had all 6 thrushes in Maridalen with a good total of 6 Ring Ouzels
(ringtrost). There was also an arrival of White Wagtails (linerle) and Meadow Pipits
(heipiplerke) aswell as good numbers of Chaffinches (bokfinker) which were all
feeding in the small snow free areas which were often beside the road.
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The scene at Kjelle with flood water and many wildfowl including displaying Teal (krikkender) |
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the large lake, Hemnessjøen is still frozen but standing water on nearby stubble fields proved popular to this flock of Pink-footed Geese (kortnebbgås) and Whooper Swans (sangsvane) |
I wasn’t sure where to go next but chose Aurskøg-Høland
where I was yesterday. Birds are clearly arriving as witnessed by the Teal
numbers at Kjelle. On Sunday 4 were reported from here, yesterday I saw 43 and
today 190! It is looking really promising at this site and if it remains
flooded until the end of May then some really good birds could turn up. The
Shoveler (skjeand) of yesterday was gone but a new bird was a female hybrid
duck. More difficult to identify than male hybrids this bird seemed most likely
to be a hybrid between Shoveler and Pintail (stjertand) which seems an unlikely
pairing but was the best I could come up with. The pictures I have are awful
and don’t really help but my reasoning for Pintail was that basically its bill
was grey as in a pintail, it was a pale
duck as in a Pintail, smaller and slimmer than a Mallard as in a Pintail.
Reason for Shoveler influence was that the bill had the form of a Shoveler’s
bill although not the extreme size. The bird also had white tail sides which
suit both Mallard and Shoveler and I also believe I saw the same bird in flight
where I noted the speculum was greenish which would suit Shoveler.
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the hybrid duck is to the right. The dark bill can be seen with a Shoveler shape |
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Here the long dark bill can again be seen as well as size slighty smaller than Mallards |
There were also more Cranes (trane) in the valley with an absolute
minimum of 74.
Raptors showed themselves in the afternoon once it warmed up
and I had single Marsh Harrier (sivhauk), Osprey (fiskeørn), Kestrel
(tårnfalk), Merlin (dvergfalk), 3 Sparrowhawks (spurvehauk) and at least 5
Buzzards (musvåk).
In addition to the arriving thrushes and finches there were
also White Wagtails and Meadow Pipits in many places and best of all I had my
first two Wheatears of the year.
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