Migration seemed to really stop up today despite there being
SW winds and a blue skies with scattered cloud. Per B and I were in Maridalen
hoping maybe for some raptor migration but it wasn't happening today. In fact
there was even less to see today than yesterday with the early migrants from
yesterday now missing without a trace. A single Ring Ouzel (ringtrost) and
drumming male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (dvergspett) were scant recompense.
I decamped to Fornebu but had little here either and not even the sea could offer
anything - I had hoped in vain that the wind would have blown in some terns at
this pipit at Fornebu had me thinking Tree (trepiplerke) but I have concluded it is a Meadow Pipit (heipiplerke) due primarily to the long rear claw and strong streaking on the flanks. Compare this bird to the Tree Pipit from yesterday which also showed a stronger bill and a more prominent white spot at the back of the ear coverts. The differences are very subtle though and it is much easier when they call which neither today's or yesterday's did. |
this female Wheatear (steinskvett) was particularly photogenic |
the white throat is particularly prominent on this bird and it looks like something far rarer |
The day was saved by a trip to Frognerparken where the Iceland Gull has become
a regular attraction again. It is now in a paler, more faded 1st summer plumage
and looks very pale. It is also sporting some bling, so the ringers eventually
succeeded in getting their hands on the poor creature. With it being so pale I had big problems getting the right exposure on my
2cy Iceland Gull (grønlandsmåke) |
2cy Iceland Gull (grønlandsmåke) Frognerparken |
hungry? |
Here's a short video. I think the quality of my videos is improving although there is the usual camera shake in the middle but I bring it back on centre quite quickly I think!
Another pale gull could well be the one I have seen and photographed a couple
of times during the winter but looks even pale now. I did not see it side by
side with any other large gulls but it looked structurally similar to the
Iceland Gull and could lead ones thoughts towards Kumleini.
this pale 2cy gull had particularly faded tertials and chocolate brown primaries. I reckon also that the structure resembles Iceland Gull and the wings are long and the head small. It is not one of the possible Glaucous x Herring hybrids as the structure and size is all wrong. I reckon it is just a very pale (faded) Herring Gull and probably a female hence the small size |
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Also here a pair of Oystercatchers (tjeld) that were feeding on the grass by
the side of the lake were relatively unshy and a number of other common Oslo (summer) birds allowed themselves to be photographed.
Oystercatchers (tjeld) |
Chaffinch (bokfink) |
Fieldfare (gråtrost) |
mating Black-headed Gulls (hettemåke) |
Jackdaw (kaie) |
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