Wednesday 18 September 2024

2bC invasion brewing

It looks like an invasion of Two-barred Crosbills is brewing. After my sighting on Monday of a bird with Common Crossbills in a spruce forest I was rather surprised to find a lone bird today in birch trees by Nordre Øyeren wetland. It was calling a lot and I managed to record it both the trumpet call and more generic crossbill call. This bird was also a juvenile but hopefully some adult males will arrive soon.

 I left Oslo to go to Øyeren as I hoped for some raptors specifically harriers but a single Marsh was the only one. Common Buzzards were numerous though and the local White-tailed Eagle family showed well. A single Great White Egret was a now to be expected bird but less than 10 years ago would have been quite the mega.

a streaky juvenile Two-barred Crossbill (båndkorsnebb)

I got fairly close but unfortunately it was high above me

this Little Grebe (dvergdykker) is my first ever at Nordre Øyeren and seems to be a surprisingly rare species there

Great White Egret (egretthegre) AND White-tailed Eagle (havørn)

with such a large bill this must be the adult female eagle

dwarfing a Hooded Crow 

hunting like a harrier

the juvenile

and the adults trying to get cosy

a Goosander (laksand) flock in Maridalen

wing drying Cormorant (storskarv)

female Three-toed Woodpecker (tretåspett)

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