As I have already written in my last post I checked
out the Bean Goose staging grounds last Wednesday without (unsurprisingly)
finding any. I relayed this news to the team in Scotland along with my
prediction that no geese would turn up for a couple of weeks. I was therefore
surprised to receive a very excited email from Larry on Saturday to say that
the last functioning GPS sender which had been offline for a couple of weeks
had spring into life again and was in Norway! The bird had left Denmark on March
1st and flown over night to arrive in Norway around noon on the 2nd.
I was unable to resist the urge and set the alarm for 6am on Sunday with the
aim of getting up there at dawn to be able to see the birds leaving their roost
on the river. The weather was awful with rain and temperatures of zero celsius causing
very icy roads and difficult viewing conditions. There were lots of Whooper Swans
on the river and I saw three very distant anser geese but couldn’t say for sure
if they were Taiga Beans.
I felt quite sure that the geese wouldn’t hang
around and would head south for better conditions but the tagged goose was still
present yesterday so I decided to go up again today with Anders. It was snowing
lightly, and the fields looked even less appealing for geese. When we arrived
at the river there were only a handful of swans and no geese at all but I then saw
some geese on a very distant field. We could see at least 52 and they sure looked
like Taiga Beans but we needed to get closer. We had a bit of a drive then a
long hike over a snow covered field before we were able to view them. As is
often the case they were on an undulating field and we could not see the whole
flock. We counted 101 birds but there were clearly more birds on the other side
of a bump in the field as we saw birds including one with a collar walking over
the bump and never coming back and I think that the initial 52 we saw may have
been on the other side of the bump so there were potentially 150 birds there.
The field not was not the usual stubble but had fresh green shoots planted last
autumn. They were also very close to a farm and this was clearly the only available
feeding area for them. I will make another prediction that they will move off
shortly as the cold spell kicks in…
The only other species amongst them was a single
Pink-foot. We saw a 10 ringed/collared birds of which we read 8
with certainty and some of them are birds I first read 7 years ago in March
2012 when we first made the discovery that the Scottish birds were staging in
We moved on into Aurskog Høland but the day was fairly birdless with nothing
moving and most areas devoid of any birds at all but we did come across a good
congregation in one area with around 150 Skylarks, 60 Redpolls, at least one
Arctic Redpoll, 2 Snow Buntings, a Lapwing and 200 Hooded Crows contained a
locally very rare Rook. We had a couple of flocks of Whooper Swans a few Canada
and Greylag geese but many, many more will come when the thaw starts. Zero
raptors and just a single Great Grey Shrike.
The only dabbling duck other than Mallards was a
male Pintail x Mallard hybrid. It was with a couple of Mallards and they were
very wary but it had the same feather damage on its breast as the Oslo bird and
we also saw it was ringed which confirmed it was the same bird as that bird received
the dubious honour of being blinged a few days ago.
this is where I discovered the birds at nearly 3km range. They are in the snow covered field left of centre |
and here zooming in with about 50 birds visible |
we then drove around and walked in from behind. It was first snowing |
but the weather did improve. I do not think these birds are the same as in the first pictures as there were some other birds further to the right that disappeared over the brow and I think it was the other side of this brow that we previously saw |
difficult to see here but 3Y and 7V are shown |
here a single Pink-foot is alongside a bird with an old GPS collar and which had a yellow ring on left leg showing it to be 04 |
we also viewed the birds from the other side of the river but the trees impeded our view |
closer |
the migration route of 30 who we also saw today |
the male Pintail x Mallard hybrid. It is interesting to see how much more Pintail like it looks in flight |
Rook (kornkråke) |
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