The last
two days have seen me at Årnestangen. Yesterday it was drizzling with a very
fresh southerly wind and today was sunny and windless. Both days provided good
birds although nothing more than scarce. I added White-tailed Eagle and Goshawk
to my raptor list and so now have 11 species this week (plus the Red Kites from
last week). The next species that I need to turn up are Hen Harrier and
hopefully Pallid Harrier (I am still waiting to get gripping views of a
juvenile bird).
have not been in great numbers (less than 100 individuals in total with 42 Dunlin
today the most numerous species) but the variety is starting to build up again.
Sanderling, Knot, Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint, Temminck’s Stint, Turnstone
and Great Snipe are all good species.
A Little
Gull heading south and a heard only Kingfisher were also good but nothing has
given good photo ops.
On the
passerine front obviously migrating Coal and Willow Tits were a surprise with 2
Coal Tits launching themselves out of the last bush on the point and heading
over the lake and a flock of 15 Willow Tits flying high further up the
Male MArsh Harrier (sivhauk) which I believe to be in its 3rd CY |
juvenile Marsh Harrier in the drizzle yesterday |
possibly the same juvenile today with a Sparrowhawk |
in the field I aged this is as a juvenile Peregrine (vandrefalk) but the pictures show e to be very wrong although maybe it is a 2cy |
juvenile Red-backed Shrike with bug |
Årnestangen today |
I had a stop to look at gulls (Caspian Gull should be a possibility now) and turned up to 2CY Lesser Black-backed Gulls (sildemåke) which is a scarce age class in Norway. This dainty bird was quite straighforward |
but this beast of a bird had me thinking Great Black-backed Gull and Caspian but I have concluded with LBBG |
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