Back in the winter of 2012/13 when there was an invasion of
both Hawkie and Piney to the Oslo area I had a birders wet dream that involved
seeing a Hawk Owl eating a Grosbeak. This rather gruesome bringing together of
my two favourite birds was always very unlikely to happen given that Hawk Owl
very rarely eats birds but I did have one occasion when I saw (and filmed) bothspecies from the same spot at the same time and it was to be honest a ratherorgasmic experience.
I wanted to come as close as possible to recreating that
feeling today although the only realistic plan was only to see both species in
Oslo on the same day. I started with the Grosbeaks first and when I parked the
car saw that Zak clearly had the same intention as me. He was already a long
way into the forest and had not had sight nor sound of Piney. I was not to be
deterred though. It was once again very quiet in the forest and a single female
Capercaille flying out of a pine tree above me was the highlight for the first
hour and a half.
My last two walks in the forest have surprisingly not
revealed a single crossbill although I have had the occasional bird flying over
in Maridalen recently. There are still lots of cones on both spruce and pine
trees but they are clearly not at the right stage in their development for
crossbills. Both Parrot and Common Crossbill are nomadic in their search for
cones at just the right stage of development for them to breed in the late
winter. Last winter spruce cones were right in southern Norway and we had huge
numbers of Common Crossbills that bred but these birds started to vanish during
the summer and there are now just stragglers left (where the others have gone I
do not know). The previous winter we had no spruce cones and no Common
Crossbills but there was a good crop of pine cones and suddenly there were small
numbers of Parrot Crossbills which otherwise are very uncommon around Oslo.
When I heard a crossbill today I was keen to get an eye on it and it was a male
Common Crossbill flying over. As I stood there wondering where all its kin had
disappeared to I heard a short whistling call close by. I looked up and saw a
Blue Tit but thought that the call surely was from something far more
interesting….. and then suddenly three Pine Grosbeaks flew into a tree 40m away
and started calling. They had the sun behind them and when I finally pulled the
camera out of the bag I didn’t check the settings but after three poor photos
they just vanished. I played the call but this had no effect today (because
they were already in a flock). Over the course of the next 15 minutes I heard
them call twice again somewhere nearby but never manged to see them again.
Guess I’ll have to search for them another day because they are incredible
birds and deserve to be enjoyed and studied when one has the chance.
So one target down (if only just) I then went to see if
nearby Maridalen had a Hawkie for me but had to be content with one of the
Great Grey Shrikes.
A visit to Sørkedalen was therefore necessary for Hawkie. As
I passed Bogstadvannet I saw there were a few ducks waiting for bread and
amongst them was the Pintail which has not been seen for a week or so.
Frustratingly when I went down with the camera it walked away from me and
clearly didn’t want to be photographed – I’ll have to remember bread next time.
I drove further into the valley but had only driven a minute
and reached the northern end of the lake when I saw a bird perched half way up
a birch tree (it was a good 300m away). I stopped the car and was expecting to
find a Sparrowhawk in the bins but was more than happy to see a Hawk Owl. It
soon flew up onto the top of a relatively low spruce tree and I was then able
to walk out to it and really enjoy it although the light wasn’t so good. I was
keen to find out if it was a new bird so ran back to the car and continued
driving. Quite soon the sun broke though and I regretted not staying with the
bird in the hand. 4km away there was no sign of birds in the bush although
there were forlorn photographers who had been searching for a while. I headed
back as quickly as I could and the light was fantastic but the only problem was
that the bird had moved to the very highest spruce he could find…..although a
couple of photographers were no longer forlorn.
But who cares Hawk Owl and Pine Grosbeak in the same day and
within sight of Oslo city – it’s what birding is all about J
Hawkie looking in every direction but at me |
as can be seen here there are still lots of cones on the spruce trees - and a Hawk Owl |
here when I first had Hawkie relatively low down but poor light |
and here fantastic light but too high up |
au revoir min cherie |
just about recognisable - Pine Grosbeak (konglebit) |
Great Grey Shrike (varsler) in Maridalen - the southern bird |
1st winter male Pintail (stjertand) Bogstadvannet - what no bling? |
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