Today saw a return to grey conditions and an overnight frost
left the roads very icy. On Maridalsvannet the Scaup seem to have moved on
althought the 3 Tufted Duck were still present as were 3 Common Scoter, and
most surpisingly 2 Great Crested Grebes which are very scarce here. A flock of
12 Whooper Swans contained only a single youngster.
I went searching for Hawk Owls in Nittedal which is the
large valley to the east of Maridalen but only found a Great Grey Shrike for my
troubles. I also checked out the rubbish tip at Alna but found only Herring
Gulls (Per Buertange had an inland Glaucous Gull yesterday so hopefully one
will soon turn up in Oslo).
The few pictures I took today bare witness to how murky it
was so I have also published a video from yesterdays fog of the ducks on
Great Crested Grebes (toppdykker) |
Maridalens Great Grey Shrike (varsler) is still hanging on |
and a flock of Long-tailed Tits (stjertmeis) put in an appearance |
Whooper Swans (sangsvane) |
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