I've been in this game long enough to know I shouldn't be
trusting weather forecasts but I was mildly p*ss'd off to find high and light
cloud, sunny spells and no rain today and needless to say the rush of birds
didn't occur.... Saturday and Sunday are forecast
southerly winds, overcast and some showers. Instead of clearing my diary and
cleaning the optics in anticipation I guess I should be stocking up on sun
screen and polishing the sunglasses :-)
In Maridalen the favoured stubble field is being gradually ploughed up (looks
like the farmer has a day job and just ploughs a bit every evening) and is
gradually becoming less productive although in May will be good again
The only bird of note early in the morning was a young White-tailed Eagle which
is becoming an expected spring migrant here in line with the increasing
population in Southern Norway. Bramblings have arrived and were making a din
"singing" from the woods alongside Redwings. A pair of redpolls
turned out to be Lessers. It has been a long time since I've had a redpoll of
any description although yesterday I heard two. I suspected they were Lessers
returning for the breeding season and todays sighting lends credence to that
(Common/Mealy Redpoll breed further north or at higher elevations whereas
Lesser is expanding in the south).
I decamped to Nordre Øyeren where things were equally quiet. I did have the
pair of Garganey again, a Great Grey Shrike, 2 Ring Ouzels plus another
Immature White-tailed Eagle and two Ospreys (so things I guess weren’t too bad). I also found a number of roost
sites for Long-eared Owls but not the actual birds. Best bird though was a male
Hen Harrier which I stumbled upon at very close range in almost exactly the
same place as the Pallid x Hen hybrid I had last week. With the hybrid in mind
the different jizz of today’s Hen was very noticeable – the wings appeared much
shorter and broader and the grey colour was darker. In addition the black
trailing edge to the underwing was clearly visible.
Svellet has now nearly dried out and had noticeably fewer
Teal than yesterday. The water level has fallen by 25cm over the last three
days and whilst this is not optimal for Teal right now it is promising with
regards us having low water in the first half of May which is when the peak
wader migration is.
Returning to Oslo I had a thermalling raptor which looked
enormous. I stopped the car at the first opportunity and was sure I was
watching a distant Golden Eagle. However it started guiding towards me and
revealed itself to be a Common Buzzard but I still can’t get over how I was
fooled by its size.
A return trip to Maridalen revealed no new passerines but
there were some raptors: first a very distant Rough-legged Buzzard which was my
first of the year, then a female Kestrel migrating westwards and then two
Merlins – the first an adult male sat by the road and then later what looked to
be a female again sat close to the road. So in the end the day did turn out to
be fairly good!
Further signs of spring were my first frogs in Maridalen, flowering Wood Anenomies and yesterdat a Camberwell Beauty butterfly.
This morning's White-tailed Eagle (havørn) in Maridalen. I'm not sure of the age but it has a very yellow bill and is probably 4cy |
easily identifiable without bins - a flying barn door |
slightly better pictures of Garganey (knekkand) today - here a female |
and the male |
the male Hen Harrier (myrhauk). By the time I had recovered from the shock of nearly walking into it it took me a good time to get a picture by which time it was far away |
male Kestrel (tårnfalk) |
and male Merlin (dvergfalk) |
Redwings (rødvingetrost) are everywhere in Maridalen now and making a lot of noise |
very low water in Svellet. The arrow shows where the Teal (krikkand) are concentrated |
and here they are with some Curlew (storspove) |
this Common Buzzard (musvåk) had me initially thinking Golden Eagle |
finally a very short video where you can here the intense bird song in Maridalen this morning:
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