The weather forecasters are
really having problems at the moment. A day of constant, heavy rain was
forecast but never really materialised although there was the odd shower. I
turned down a trip to Hedmark with Rune because of this forecast (although it
doesn’t look I need to regret that decision...) and instead planned to get some
writing done. When I saw that it wasn’t as bad as forecast though I did allow
myself a short trip to Fornebu.
The birds are the same as earlier
in the week and there are no early migrants yet (although it won’t be long
before a Wood Pigeon (ringdue), Stock Dove (skogdue), Skylark (sanglerke) or
Starling (stær) turns up. The Bearded Tits were in EXACTLY the same area as usual but this time there were only four
birds (although I may have heard some additional birds). They showed
exceptionally well with two frequently hopping the fence and we could see that
all four of these were ringed whereas in the group of six I have only noticed
one male and one female ringed. This would suggest strongly that there are
actually two groups of birds in the reedbed. I took many pictures in the hope
of being able to read something from a ring but expected that, as has always
previously been the case, it just wouldn’t be possible as the script is so
small but this time I have succeeded! The letters I can see come from the words
Stavanger Norway but I can make out only two numbers so doubt the specific
identity of this bird can be determined. The high (100%) incidence of ringed
versus non ringed birds does strongly suggest that they are from Øra where the
ringer estimates that he managed to capture over 90% of the birds there.
here one can see a R and a Y. The last two letters of respectively StavangeR and NorwaY. |
the ring is upside down but we se "AVA" and "RW" plus part of a number "8x" |
slightly different angle. I struggle to see what the second number is, a 9? |
Add caption |
"..ER" and "WAY" |
The Great Grey Shrike (varsler)
was also sitting high. I have written before how it wasn’t easy to get close to
the bird but today it was perched up by the main path and was allowing dog
walkers to go right under it (if it is going to hang around here then it does
have to get used to human disturbance). However it was still weary of camera toting
birders – I obviously need to get myself a dog if I am to become a successful photographer.
Great Grey Shrike (varsler). Dog walkers came an awful lot closer than the birders! |
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