Monday 24 October 2022

Nocturnal thermals

I have got rather addicted to my thermal imager and am ignoring those who accuse me of cheating 😉

I have had a number of nocturnal trips including with Jr and the dog and have seen Roe Deer, Beaver, mice/voles, Woodcock, Tengmalm’s Owl and roosting Fieldfares plus a great display of northern lights. Daytime use has revealed Jack and Common Snipe.

I have had upto 3 Woodcock feeding in the same field which came as a surprise as I thought they would have mostly left by now but they are a species that is mostly overlooked. A Common Snipe which revealed itself then proceeded to bob away in Jack Snipe fashion which was a new experience for me.

A walk around Fornebu was brightened up by a fly over adult Med Gull but unfortunately the camera was again safely tucked away in my backpack (I don't want to make a habit of that).

Northern Lights

Woodcock (rugde)

Bobbing Common Snipe (enkeltbekkasin)

Jack Snipe (kvartbekkasin)

Great Spotted Woodpecker (flaggspett)

the tiny red fleck shows this to be a male but I don't know why it is so small

Great Tit (kjøttmeis)

Jay (nøtteskrike)

Nuthatch (spettmeis)

this Scaup (bergand) on Maridalsvannet today was the first record in Oslo this year. It was also one of only two ducks I saw on the lake with the other being a Goldeneye

Waxwings (sidensvans)

Grey Herons (gråhegre)

Pygmy Owl (spurveugle) in Maridalen. Here singing

and here checking out a nesting box that is far too big for it

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