There is not so much new happening on the bird scene
in Oslo at the moment although a Pallid Swift was sighted yesterday and who
knows maybe I will bump into one today – it is nice sunny weather at least 😊
Since my last post I have, surprise surprise, amused
myself with my thermal imager and Jack Snipe have of course featured and
nocturnal trips into Maridalen have revealed Woodcock, beavers, roe deer, voles
and a cat which was a long way from any houses and had me going for a bit.
At Fornebu I am still waiting (hoping) for Bearded
Tits to turn up and there are signs further south of an autumn irruption building
up but 5 Water Rails squealing from the same small reedbed was exciting and a
late Chiffchaff that looked quite tristis like but sounded “normal” will I guess
go down as an eastern abientinus.
male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (dvergspett) in an autumnal tree |
nice tobacco coloured ear coverts on this Chiffchaff but its call was "normal" |
maybe too much yellow in the supercillium |
can you see the Jack Snipe (kvartbekkasin)? I'll reveal its location lower down |
I love how the protruding scapulars can be moved to aid in camouflage and breaking up the outline of the bird |
getting more difficult to find |
and here is the location of the bird in the original picture |