Where else would I be
than Maridalen today? It was hot, almost too hot and a record temperature was
set in SW Norway today. Bird wise I had pretty much the expected species but
there is always something new. Both Pintail and Lesser Spotted Woodpecker were
new for the year for me in Maridalen and a male Red-backed Shrike still feeding
three begging young might indicate yet another pair that has bred in or very close
to the Dale. I only had one Honey Buzzard sighting today (although didn’t spend
too much time looking) and this was a female and seemingly a new bird.
Dragonflies were
everywhere and my raptor spotting was made difficult by the sheer number of
them in the air which frequently fooled me into thinking I was on to a distant
raptor (strangley enough I had no Hobbies eating them). Most of the large species
were so active that it was impossible to see what they were but I managed to
identify Southern Hawker (blågrønnlibelle), Brown Hawker (brunlibelle), Common
Hawker (starrlibelle), Golden-ringed Dragonfly (kongelibelle), a late Four-spotted
Chaser (firflekkbredlibelle), Black Darter (svarthøstlibelle), Yellow-winged
Darter (gulvingehøstlibelle), Ruddy Darter (blodhøstlibelle), Vagrant Darter
(sørhøstlibelle) and Emerald Damselfly (nordmetallvannymfe). In addition, I
almost certainly saw Common Darter (Senhøstlibelle) and Common Blue Damselfly
(innsjøvannymfe) which I know are there are the moment but I did not document
them. I may also have had a Migrant Hawker (septemberlibelle) but managed no
photos and this would be a good record.
Butterflies were also
very numerous today even if the diversity has become much less. Red Admirals
are now the most numerous, followed by Small Tortoiseshells and Painted Ladies
with just a few Peacocks, Brimstones and Green-veined and Small Whites. Thistles
attract all these species and seeping sap on birch trees proves especially
attractive to the Red Admirals.
one less Painted Lady (tistelsommerfugl) but a bit more energy for a Red-backed Shrike (tornskate) before the long autumn migration begins |
ecological garden leaves lots of insects and this plot has proven to be very attractive to up to 6 young shrikes |
these 2 (of 3) youngsters are still not independent and were succesfully begging for food from dad |
this 1cy male Bluethroat (blåstrupe) may well have been around for a week or so |
Pintail (stjertand) is a rare bird in the Dale but records from other places suggest that a distinct passage of the species is occuring at the moment. This is a male based on the bill and tertials and may well be the bird that was on Akerselva in the spring |
todays Honey Buzzard (vepsevåk) which I reckon is a female |
looks at all the Red Admirals! |
Red Admiral and Peacock (dagåpåfugløye) |
Small Tortoiseshells (neslesommerfugl) |
This pair of Yellow-winged Darters (gulvingehøstlibelle) represent the first proof of "breeding" of the species in Oslo! |
and there were at least an additional 4 males |
this Four-spotted Chaser (firflekklibelle) is a late record |
Golden-ringed Dragonflies (kongelibelle) are incredibly smart! |
male Black Hawker (svarthøstlibelle) is a tiny dragonfly and the easiest to identify |
This Ruddy Darter (blodhøstlibelle) is the only the second time I have noted the species in Maridalen. If I had used some time and photographed a Common Darter (which is the commonest species in the Dale) then I would have had all 5 of the resident Norwegian Darters species |