I had a plan of finding either a Red Kite or a Pallid Harrier, both of which
have been seen further south in Norway in recent days. In the end I saw fewer
raptors than I have the last few days with a stronger cold northerly wind
probably being the reason. In fact my raptor count was very low with just 1
Rough-legged Buzzard, 2 Common Buzzards, 1 Merlin, 1 Kestrel and a couple of Sparrowhawks.
noticeable feature of today was the Lapwings feeding right by the road where (due
to pollution) the thaw is most noticeable. This time last year Lapwings were on
eggs whereas now they are struggling to find food. Twite and Cranes were again
a noticeable feature today with migration probably peaking now and Snow Buntings
are also still on the move.
I visited
a site where Three-toed Woodpeckers were seen yesterday and had great views of
a drumming female – this species is always a struggle to find but maybe I now
have a breeding site.
I also
had my first butterflies with Small Tortoiseshell (neslesommerfugl) and
Camberwell Beauty (sørgekåpe) on the wing.
female Three-toed Woodpecker (tretåspett) |
Lapwing (vipe) |
Rough-legged Buzzard (fjellvåk) |
Snow Buntings (snøspurv) |
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