What a day’s guiding I had yesterday! I’m sure I’ve said it
before but the Oslo area doesn’t fail to deliver the goods at the end of May
and beginning of June.
Today I was able to show Alex from Kent the likes of Common
Rosefinch, Wryneck, Red-backed Shrike, Thrush Nightingale, Red-breasted Flycatcher,
Icterine Warbler, Black Woodpecker, Tawny Owl, Goshawk, Long-tailed Tit, Scaup
and Brent Goose to name but a few. It was a hot sunny day but bird activity
remained high even in the early afternoon and a combination of Maridalen,
Sørkedalen and Fornebu gave a great variety and quality of birds.
I also was a bit more active on the photo front myself than
I normally am and with good light there are some better than average photos to
show although I’ve only got time to publish a couple now and will hopefully
find time to put more out later.
male Red-backed Shrike (tornskate) with bumblebee |
Icterine Warbler (gulsanger) |
Two large, noisy and curios young Black Woodpeckers (svartspett) |
Thrush Nightingale (nattergal) |
Bravo! These clicks are really awesome. you just capture some very amazing nature shots. I liked it. you have really a good sense of photo shoot. Look at the two little birds hiding looking from inside the tree hole.