I hooked up with Zak again yesterday and we felt we deserved some action
and you know what we got it J
We started off hoping to find Akershus’s only known breeding Woodlarks
(trelerke) and were rewarded first by a calling flyover bird and then at a
nearby site a singing bird that was singing for a good half hour as a dot over
our heads. We really struggled to see it as it was way over 100m above us and
to get your eyes to find the right focal distance is a constant struggle. Even
more of a struggle is to get autofocus on the camera to lock on so it was
necessary to use manual focus although the resulting pictures only just
classify as record shots and 95% have ended up in the delete box. Perhaps most
exciting here were some singing Common Redpolls (gråsisik) which have been
exceptionally scarce in Norway this winter and this was only my second record
and Rune’s first for 2015. We had some more later in the day so it looks like
they are starting to return again from wherever their search for food took them
this winter.
Woodlark - this must classify as a record shot |
After enjoying the Woodlark in temperatures of -4C but under a hot sun
we headed for the Glomma River and the Bean Geese (sædgås). I drove via some
fields that were favoured last year and we never needed to go the river as
there were the geese. It was difficult to count them exactly due to an
undulating field but there was a minimum of 154 birds which is a definite
increase over Wednesday and there were most likely even more. I did not manage
to read off all neck collars but I had no new ones at least.
some of the Taiga (fabalis) Bean Geese |
With many kilometres to put under our belts and more birds to find we
drove the slow route to Bjørkelangen through the vast Mangen forests. A flock
of 11 Long-tailed Tits (stjertmeis) that I first heard from the moving car were
nice but our odd stops revealed little else. We then stopped to change drivers
at what we thought was an unpromising stop and immediately had a brief Parrot
Crossbill (furukorsnebb). In our search to relocate this bird we then heard a
singing Grey-headed Woodpecker (gråspett). Although unseen even I was happy as
to which species we were listening to. As we continued through the forests we had
a roadside Pygmy Owl (spurveugle) at noon. I was interested to see how it would
react to playback. It became attentive immediately although remained silent and
after a minute flew low over us and landed a couple of hundred metres away.
Turning off the playback we then heard a male singing off to our left and soon
saw him so this must have been a pair.
the first and assumed female Pygmy Owl |
giving a flyby |
the second bird - a singing male |
A stop a few kilometres later to listen for whatever may be in the
forest revealed a calling woodpecker. We were in disagreement as to whether it
was a Three-toed (tretåspett) or Great Spotted (flaggspett) but when it started
drumming we could both agree that surprisingly I had called it right: it was missing
a toe. We soon found it and had good views of a drumming female.
Three-toed Woodpecker |
on the left we see the white rther than yellow streaking on the head showing this to be a female (both sexes drum to proclaim territory), in the middle we see only 3 toes (other woodpeckers have 4) and on the right the white back. |
Thre-toed Woodpecker |
Today was turning out very nicely!!!
Around Bjørkelangen we had less than hoped for but a single Twite
(bergirisk) and Crane (trane) were nice alongside Whooper Swans (sangsvane) and
Lapwings (vipe). The last reward we had was a roadside Black Woodpecker (svartspett)
excavating a nesting hole and giving me a useful stakeout.
male Black Woodpecker excavating its nest hole |
male Lapwing not wanting its photo taken |
can't get enough of Long-tailed Tits |
one of the day's rarest species: Common Redpoll |
singing Yellowhammer (gulspurv) |
Gratulerer med flotte fugler og fine bilder!!