On Monday and Tuesday I had the company of my old birding
mate Will who I have known since our days in the Cambridge University Bird Club
and subsequent birding trips to Eilat, Spain and Tunisia. Will had used
Finnature whilst on a family holiday last year to Finland and at a cost of €220 pp (begins
to be quite a lot for a family of 4....) had seen a few species but not Hawkie
or the Great Grey. Well I course can help with that and am a heck of lot
cheaper - even before friends discount ;-)
During the course of 26 hours (including 5 hours sleep in the car) with pick-up
and delivery at Oslo airport we saw a
pair of Great Grey Owls delivering food to two young, a pair of Hawk Owls with
four young, Siberian Jay, Rough-legged Buzzard, Three-toed and Black
Woodpeckers, Ortolan and Rustic Buntings , Red-backed and Great Grey Shrikes
and Marsh Warbler plus loads of other typical Scandinavian birds. Now
don't try telling me that isn't a good trip!!
would prefer a short and easy trip to Oslo rather than making your way up to
the north of Finland.
The owls were the main target and undoubted highlight of the trip especially as
we got close and saw real action. "My" Great Greys turned out to be not
as exclusive as I hoped as there was a Norwegian and a Dutch photographer
already there when we arrived plus at least one of the youngsters carried a
metal foot ring so they are clearly one of the “known” pairs. Between 2030 and
2130 we watched the adults come in four times to deliver voles to the
youngsters who were sitting together only 20m from us. The birds seem
unaffected by our presence and the youngsters made a real racket begging for
food such that they would make an easy target for a Goshawk but that is the
risk that they run when their strategy is to make so much noise that their
parents keep bringing them food to shut them up.
The three food deliveries we saw (the fourth occurred as we were leaving the
area) all went to the same youngster which seemed to be poor parenting and the
other one started really screaming for food. When we went back the next morning
the youngsters were in the same place but the one who hadn't received any food
was lying down on the branch and we initially thought it to be an ex owl but it
soon became apparent he was just sleeping in the heat of the day as was an
adult nearby who could hardly keep its eyes open. The youngsters looked far
from capable of long flight but a search of the area failed to find the nest
within a ca.120 m radius so they are clearly, as I also experienced at the
other nest and with the Tawny Owls, able to move relatively long distances
despite not being fully able to fly.
The Hawk Owls that we saw initially eluded us but as we
walked a circle around the nesting area we found them just metres
from our start point. They started hissing at us before we saw them and then we
came across two angry adults and four young of various sizes all of which
could fly, and perhaps most importantly land, capably over short distances at least.
We had some good luck with the Siberian Jays who appeared from
nowhere as we investigated a roadside nest box and then as we watched them a Three-toed
Woodpecker flew into view.
An unforgettable trip!
I have a lot of video and pictures to process so will
decorate this post with a few (well OK rather a lot) of the best pics and come back with more at
a later date.
I'll start with the non owl pics first....
Siberian Jay (lavskrike) |
male Rustic Bunting (vierspurv) with food for young |
male Ortolan Bunting (hortulan) |
female Three-toed Woodpecker (tretåspett) |
male Red-backled Shrike (tornskate) and spiders web |
And now for some owls, with the big grey one first
give me some food NOW! Great Grey Owl youngster. Great enough to have moved at least 120m from the nest but far from great enough to fend for itself |
one of the parents with a vole |
the lower youngster carries a visible ring |
food being delivered |
food being devoured |
having a mid morning nap |
And now for Hawkie which gave a big dose
youngsters are just as addictive as the adults |
young Hawk Owl |
adult Hawk Owl |
Hawk Owl babies can also scream for food |
its never to early to leanr how to sit on a telegraph pole which is the natural habitat for this species |
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