guess what I went looking for today |
half my bill seems to be missing |
The day started at Fornebu in gorgeous sunlight and freezing
temperatures. At about 10am though a warm front suddenly arrived (as forecast).
I cannot remember ever experiencing anything similar: there was suddenly a
fresh breeze and with it came warm air. I guess it went from -3C to +7C in the
space of a minute.
Fornebu had a few good birds to offer but was relatively
quiet otherwise. Five Bearded Tits (skjeggmeis) and five Hawfinches
(kjernebiter) were the scarcest whilst the male Kestrel (tårnfalk) was the most
photogenic and gave me my best ever pictures of the species.
I was however feeling a call and made my way into town. I
stopped at Kongshavn where there were few duck although alongside 30 Tufted
Ducks (toppand) were the two Velvet Scoters (sjøorre). Interestingly whilst I
was watching them diving they were visibly spooked by a large fish and both
popped out of the water like a cork and flapped away.
tail of fish beside female Velvet Scoter |
a young male Velvet Scoter running away from the scary fish |
For the third day running I made my way to the Botanical
Gardens and the crossbills were performing in an exemplary fashion (this risks
becoming my new addiction). They are not at all fussed by people and nearly
landed at one person’s feet. I also had them feeding above me in the berry tree
within the 2.2m focusing limit of my lens!
I know that I have bored the majority of the people who read
this blog with my thoughts on aging and moult progression of these birds but I
did notice one more interesting thing today. The greyer of the two females and
the one that I have previously considered to be the youngest actually has come
further in the moult of its tertials and has adult like tertials appearing
whilst the other bird which has much greener (and therefore adult like) body
feathers still has its juvenile tertials (see pictures below). Both would therefore appear to be 1st calendar year birds.
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