adult male Red-backed Shrike (tornskate) - bird of the weekend |
Another weekend at the cabin in Hulvik gave me the chance
for a couple of early morning visits to Kurefjorden. My visits in July were
just after Little and Black Terns had been found there and afterwards there has
been a Pectoral Sandpiper (alaskasnipe) so I was hoping (and feeling I was due)
to find something good.
On Saturday there was no wind and quite a few birds. On Sunday after
thunderstorms and strong winds the previous afternoon and evening I had hoped
for a lot more birds (there had been a good "fall" of waders at
Årnestangen during the thunderstoms) but actually saw a lot less. There were a
few waders on Saturday with 2 summer plumaged Grey Plovers (tundralo) and 13
Ruff (brushane) the highlights and Ringed Plover (sandlo) the most numerous
with ca.40 birds present.
The best birds however were not on the mud but rather behind the seawall with a
singing Quail (vaktel) and a calling flyover Common Rosefinch (rosenfink) quite
unexpected. There were also a few Crossbills around but I could only find
Common (grankorsnebb).
The turf fields at Roer are also now starting to attract waders with Golden
Plover (heilo) rising from 21 to 45 - all adults - from Saturday to Sunday and
a few Lapwing (vipe), Ruff, Ringed Plover and Curlew (storspove).
Highlight for me though on both days were a good showing of Red-backed Shrikes
(tornskate) which also finally allowed me to take some decent pictures which I
think have been lacking on the blog of late. On Saturday I found youngsters at
three locations (1,2 & 2) all of which were well fledged, looking after
themselves and had probably moved some distance from the nest site. On Sunday I
located two of the youngsters again and played a game of cat and mouse with one
as I tried to get some close pictures which I ultimately failed to achieve.
Moving on I had only driven max 200metres when I saw a shrike in some bushes in
a field used by horses. I have always fancied this as a breeding site for
shrikes due to a good variety of bushes and long grass but have never seen one
here whilst driving past despite always scanning for one. As I got out of the
car to try to get some photos I heard alarm calling shrikes from all
directions. It did not take long to realise there was a pair with three very
recently fledged young (one at least didn't have a fully grown tail or wings).
The young were begging for food and the adults were giving alarm calls due to
my presence. I was able to get very acceptable pictures of both adults and at
least two of the young and as I tried to count how many young there were I
realised there were more birds calling less than 100m away. Locating them in
the bins revealed there to be another family party with three youngsters which
were also only just out of the nest. I captured one picture that had four birds
from this family in the same bush.
very newly fledged Red-backed Shrike - note the lae bill and very scaly uperparts. Also tail and wings are not yet fully grown |
same bird as above |
an older (and independent) juvenile with longer wings and tail and a less "fluffy" appearance |
adult female Red-backed Shrike - note the lack of scaling on uperpars and greyer bill |
same bird as above |
adult male and begging juvenile Red-backed Shrike (tornskate) |
adult male |
The second family group- Four birds are visible although the bottom most bird only just so. |
So my thoughts that this was a good site for shrikes were correct but it
surprises me that two pairs could breed here without me having seen them
Before the sightings of the last three days (I also had a juvenile in Maridalen
on Friday) I had been thinking this year was a particularly bad one for shrikes
(also commented by others) but there would appear to be a quite a few pairs out
there and breeding had been successful after the hot summer weather.
The shrikes gave an incredible variety of calls with some sound like silvia warblers, other chats and occasionally
like a shrieking falcon. Normally when I have encountered breeding or passage
birds they have been silent.
There was little bird life at the cabin but butterflies were
much in evidence with at least 9 species:
Peacock (dagpåfugløye), Red Admiral (admiral), Small Tortoiseshell
(neslesommerfugl), Brimstone (sitronsommerfugl), Large White (stor kålsommerfugl),
Scarce Copper (oransjegullvinge), Small Copper (ildgullvinge), an unidentified
small species of blue butterfly, an unidentified small species of fritillary
and the largest fritillary of them all, Silver-winged (keiserkåpe) which
allowed me to photograph it. I got quite into butterflies many years ago in
England and started photographing them but haven’t paid too much attention to
them in the last decade or so but would like to increase my knowledge
especially with the difficult fritillaries and blues.
Silver-washed Fritillary (keiserkåpe). This butterfly was missing the tips off both its forewings - the result of a close escape from a bird? |
As I was writing this I was rung with the news
that a Trumpeter Finch (trompeterfink) has been found at Øra only half an hour
away from where I was earlier in the day (back home now unfortunately). It is a
male and a new species for Norway so could well have persuaded me to yet again
visit the great rubbish dump and my least favourite birding locality!
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