Today was reserved for turbo-charged birding and near death
driving experiences: it was time for the Rune and Simon Show!
We covered countless kilometres, got tooted at more times than I care to
remember, saw some good birds (although no Hawkie) but most importantly I
survived to Bird Another Day! (that could be a good film title!).
Destination was Fredrikstad in Østfold with a major diversion to Liersund to
fail to see a Grey-headed Woodpecker (gråspett). This diversion though happened
to cause us to be driving over the bridge over the Nittelva river in Lillestrøm
at 09:55 when we jammed into an overflying White-tailed Eagle (havørn). A
handful of exceptional driving manoeuvres later and we were able to follow this
bird as it flew upstream before circling a few times and then heading back
downstream. If we had stayed put where we first saw it we would have had great
views as it flew low over our heads on its return (the power of hindsight).
Instead we were always chasing it. The few pictures I took though allow it to
be aged (I believe) as a 3K (2nd winter) this being due to it having moulted its
inner 3 primaries, which can be seen in the picture below, – these are shorter
and rounder than the 7 outermost primaries which are pointed and retained
juvenile feathers. Also I believe that there is too much white in the body feathers for a 1st winter.
2nd winter (3K) White-tailed Eagle (havørn) |
After enjoying this unexpected bird we took the inland route
south hoping we might find a Hawk Owl or something similar. Instead we had to
be content with a Great Grey Shrike (varsler). A stop at Ekebergdalen was very
productive though. Here a small river seems to remain ice free no matter what
and this little valley has a magnetic attraction for a number of birds in
winter. On the river there were four adult Whooper Swans (sangsvane) one of
which is partial to bread and comes very close and also two adult Grey Herons
(gråhegre) which were also not particularly shy. In addition there were lots of
passerines including at least four Bramblings (bjørkefink) which is a good
winter record.
Whooper Swan (sangsvane) |
Grey Heron (gråhegre) |
We drove past three Østfold Hawk Owl sites without slowing down –
this is the hazard of being an addict in the passenger seat whilst the driver
is made of sterner stuff and merely views Hawkie as a little treat ;-)
As we sped past the final Hawkie site though my desperate
sixth sense did pick out a small dose of Grosbeak flying from one spruce tree
to another. With a little too much enthusiasm the car was emergency stopped, we
got angrily touted but some OK views and even some pictures were managed. There
were at least five birds but when we parked the car (safely) and walked back to
get better views they had gone.
Pine Grosbeak (konglebit). The orange head and breast show this to be a 1st winter male |
Our target in Fredrikstad was the overwintering “exotic”
wildfowl. A quality backing group for these were the resident Carrion Crow (svartkråke) and
three Little Grebes (dvergdykker). As we searched for the ducks we followed by
hordes of Mute Swans (knoppsvane) – there were at least 70 on the river here
and they seemed to be very hungry judging by the way they made a beeline for
any person who stopped to look at them.
hungry Mute Swans (knoppsvane) |
having an itch |
The exotics we were looking for were a
male Pintail (stjertand) and male (Gadwall) that are wintering here. These
birds were easy to find with 60 odd Mallards (stokkand) and five Coots
(sothøne) and were by far the most friendly birds on the river with even the
Mallards looking wary in comparison. The Gadwall bore a metal ring on its leg
but I couldn’t read any details (I cannot find any record though that it has
been ringed recently although I see from pictures as recently as 31 Jan that it wasn't ringed so looks like someone has jumped it in the last few days. EDIT: I see it was caught and ringed yesterday). It wouldn’t surprise me to discover there is a wildfowl
collection close by that is missing two of its finest inmates........
Nevermind origin though, these were both fine birds. The
colouring of a male Pintail can only be fully admired in close up which is not
normally possible for this species. The chocolate brown head, two-toned bill,
long scapular feathers and long tail are
all exquisite. The Gadwall is also a very intricately patterned bird with the
grey feathers on the breast and flanks being especially fine.
male Pintail (stjertand) - I was particularly pleased with the colours reflecting in the water |
a rare sight in Norway especially in winter - Pintail and Gadwall together |
good friends |
although not as showy as its companion, the Gadwall is still a very smart bird |
After filling up our memory cards it was time to start
heading home with a brief stop at Larkollen to look for some of the raptors I
saw yesterday. What a difference one day makes: despite temperatures still
hovering below zero, a slight wind had caused all the ice in the Oslo fjord to
melt (the same ice that had supported resting seals yesterday) although
Kurefjorden was still frozen. The Peregrine was still sitting on the same rock
but there was only a single Rough-legged Buzzard to be found today. A
White-tailed Eagle was present on the same island as yesterday but instead of
being yesterday's 1st or possibly 2nd winter this bird was
a near adult (at least 4th winter) with a nice yellow bill and pale
head and mantle although we did not see it fly so could not see the tail. It
was walking around and peering down and seemed to be preying (or at least
attempting to) on the voles (vånd) that inhabit these islands and which the
buzzards feed on. From what I can make out this is very unusual behaviour and
is either a sign of a very hungry bird or maybe just a smart bird exploiting an
abundant food source.
taken at nearly 1.75km range this is the near adult White-tailed Eagle at Kurefjorden |
We also picked up another two Great Grey Shrikes on our
drive home so the day ended up a 3- 0 thrashing in favour of The Shrikes over The
Owls which it has to be said is a very unexpected result this season.
Last but not least today’s mystery bird. My aversion to LWHGs
is well known but I have been making a real attempt to shake this off. I
therefore spent some time (more than a minute) looking through the gulls in
Fredrikstad and noticed this one which looked pale enough to make me shoot off
a few pictures. My thought at the time was that it had some characters of 1st
winter Yellow-legged Gull. I still think that it does show these features: pale
head and breast, dark(ish) eye mask, black bill, dark centres to tertials (but
are they dark enough?). I didn’t see the open wing or tail (time was being
pressed) which would be necessary to confirm the ID but looking at the pictures
now I think it is just a particularly clean 1st winter Herring Gull –
the tertials are not dark enough and the bill and head not large enough
(?). Or is it a very poorly developed 2nd winter? Clearly I need to spend more time with these birds...
1st winter Herring Gull |
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