The parents are visiting from England so there has been
little time for birding. Today though I took them on the Tour de Maridalen.
Even though it was a bit windy and overcast the birds were cooperative. The
Grasshopper Warbler (gresshoppesanger) was singing away, the male Red-Backed
Shrike (tornskate) was very obliging as he made forays to the nest with food; a
red male Common Rosefinch (rosenfink) sang just metres from us and was briefly
joined by a female. The Wrynecks came in and out of their nest hole a couple of
times and are possibly bringing food to young although the frequency of visits
was not too high. A pair of Pied Flycatchers (svarthvit fluesnapper) showed
well by their nest box and an Osprey (fiskeørn) flew over with an agitated Lapwing
(vipe) nipping at its tail.
This male Swallow (låvesvale) from a pair nesting under a
bridge sang at length from a wire over the road allowing me some nice pictures
and also a chance to appreciate how pleasant the song actually is. Notice how
it has lost one of its outer tail feathers.
Barn Swallow |
Bran Swallow |
Barn Swallow |
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