With Maridalen seemingly not able to give me my autumn
fix of Honey Buzzards I decided to head south east to Hellesjøvannet. I used to
visit this lake quite regularly but over the last few years my visits have fallen
to just 1-2 times annually. This is a shame as it is a great site especially
for raptors but I now find driving such dead time that the 1 hour drive has put
me off. I have had some great views of Honey Buzzards here over the years although
I had noticed hardly any records from the area this year so was very unsure
whether I would see any.
On the way a stop to look over Nordre Øyeren
produced 4 Great White Egrets in the same bay as well as my first Pochard of
the year (a species I knew I would also see at Hellesjøvannet).
Hellesjøvannet did not disappoint on the raptor
front with 8 species being notched up although amazingly enough this did not
include Kestrel! Marsh Harriers breed here and a noisy, and only recently out
of the nest, juvenile was still being fed by both parents. There were also 2
1cy birds flying around the area which much have come from another brood.
Ospreys were seen regularly and were taking fish away in two different
directions suggesting two nests still had young.
Common Buzzards are the most numerous raptor and
there were a couple of very pale birds which I saw quite distantly. When I suddenly
had a pale bird quite close by I assumed it was one of these but I soon realised
it was a young Honey Buzzard! 24 August is very early for juvenile HB to be on
the wing in Norway and I can find only one earlier record documented with a
photo (there are MANY other earlier reports including some by
experienced observers and some that have even been “accepted” including from Jul
?!?! but they are clearly wrong and the ones from July and first half of August
need to be just deleted from the system. As juv HBs are very different from the
adults I assume that these reports are not a case of right species but wrong
age but are wrong species and are presumably Common Buzzards. Whilst I am on
the topic of incorrect reporting the same applies to Hobby with the reporting
of juveniles also wrong although here it is probably just 2cy birds being
wrongly aged although some records are clearly juvenile Peregrines being misidentified.)
The HB soared around and was joined by a Hobby and
then a Common Buzzard with them interacting and generally making my day 😊
The other raptors that I notched up were
Sparrowhawk, Goshawk and a distant White-tailed Eagle.
Visits to Maridalen have revealed nothing out of the
ordinary but upto 12 Black-throated Divers on the lake have been a nice sight.
All are adults indicating poor breeding success in the area where fluctuating
water levels have clearly been a problem.
pale juvenile Honey Buzzard (vepsevåk) |
and a pale Common Buzzard (musvåk) |
the HB (top) with a Common Buzzard |
and with an adult Hobby (lerkefalk) for company |
all three birds (I have moved the closer together) |
the Hobby gave the HB quite a bit of grief |
juvenile Marsh Harrier (sivhauk) |
the wings are not yet fully grown |
mum |
Hooded Crow (kråke) and Osprey (fiskeørn) |
with a small pike |
4 Great White Egrets (egretthegre) distantly at Nordre Øyeren |
calling Black-throated Diver (storlom) |
migrating Whinchats (buskskvett) are common in the crop fields in Maridalen |