The rain continued today so it felt like that a trip out to
Årnestangen would be worth the 3km walk and the ever present possibility that
there would be next to nothing to see out there other than a well fed
The walk out was uneventful except for one important bird:
my first migrant Bluethroat of the year. When I arrived out at the viewing
platform I found I was not alone and Årnestangen lover and Rustic Bunting surveyor
Kjetil Hansen was already there and could report that what few waders there were
had flown out of view (the vegetation has grown quite high and the birds have a
habit of feeding on the mud close up to the vegetation).
Over the next hour and a half though the waders did show
thanks to a couple of Peregrines that flushed them. There was little to see
though in terms of numbers of variety: just 20 each of Ringed Plover and
Dunlin, 4 Ruff, 1 Little Ringed Plover, 1 Temminck’s Stint, a couple of Snipe
and a flyover Green Sandpiper. Ducks were more numerous with a couple of
Shoveler amongst 200 Teal and Kjetil picked out a Garganey that I failed to
see. I also had 3 Velvet Scoters in flight which due to their pale bellies were
(early?) 1cy birds. A distant Slavonian Grebe and 41 Pochards were also notable.
In addition to the Peregrines we also had a couple of
Hobbies. We picked them up on call chasing each other high in the sky and I
initially took them to be Peregrines but when they came closer their true
identity became apparent and even more so when an adult Peregrine flew at them
and the difference in size and shape was very obvious. If I had not been so intent
on enjoying the spectacle there could have been some good photos there! We also
had a perched Hen Harrier which looked to be the same adult female I saw here a
couple of weeks ago.
Bird of the day though was a Red-throated Pipit. Picked up
on call it flew around us calling repeatedly (and in the company of another non
calling pipit) before briefly landing in a bush and then flying down into the
vegetation at the water’s edge. All the R-t Pipits I have had in Oslo and
Akershus have been birds identified on call and I still yet to see one properly
on the ground and today was no exception.
In the original picture the bird is underexposed and just looks black. However even though I take picture in jpg and not Raw format it was possible to lighten up and show this was an adult Hobby (lerkefalk) |