The expectations for today were so much that I was up before
my alarm went off (thus also and refreshingly ensuring number one spot in the
number two queue) and in the field at first light. The anticipated deluge of
birds had clearly not happened though and two hours in Nordland revealed there
was nothing new in except for a constantly calling Goldcrest (fuglekonge) and a
Dunnock (jernspurv) flying high over and calling. Just as we were about to
leave for the south of the island though Kjell found a Red-backed Shrike
(tornskate) and suddenly if felt like game on. Aren't we fools?!
Eight hours of slogging it around the island gave me only a sore back although
I did bag five new species for the trip: Shelduck (gravand), Bullfinch
(dompap), Jack Snipe (kvartbekkasin), Greenfinch (grønnfink) and Wood Pigeon
(ringdue) plus a new subspecies with a very vocal although poorly seen presumed tristis (Siberian) Chiffchaff. The later helped keep the motivation levels up but the day really
didn't deliver as hoped and I now only have tomorrow until 4pm to find something
really good.
This being Værøy though meant there were still good birds hanging around and I
did have Citrine Wag (sitronerle), Rosefinch (rosenfink), Barred Warbler
(hauksanger), Y-b Warbler (gulbrynsanger), Golden Eagle (kongeørn),
White-tailed Eagle (havørn), Peregrine (vandrefalk) and 100+ Ring Ouzels
A Starling (stær) I came across was an amazing mimic. He was part of a group of
30 birds and was one of only two that were singing. He mimicked Whimbrel (småspove), Oystercatcher (tjeld),
Herring Gull (gråmåke), Wren (gjerdesmett) and Redwing (rødvingetrost). His mimicking
of Whimbrel has me seriously doubting the bird I have recorded the last couple
of days on call only!
A tailess Red-backed Shrike (tornskate) was today's highlight |
tristis Siberian Chiffchaff - it wasn't easy to photograph. Note it is ringed - probably here on Værøy 2 days ago |
Ring Ouzel |
young Golden Eagle with a squadron of Ravens |
Barred Warbler |
Citrine Wagtail |
Starlings |
Video of Starlings. You can here it mimicking Whimbrel, Oystercatcher, Redwing and Wren and probably some others.