Keeping lists is very important for many birders although
for some birders the list in itself is the be all and end all and they could
just easily be plane or train spotting. What makes birding (as opposed to twitching)
so different though is the unpredictability – you have no timetable or flight
app to work off. You can of course have a pretty good idea of what you could
expect to see and a wish list of new species that you hope to see and by
looking at weather systems and calendars become quite good at predicting what
will be about. But the bird gods will always have their say and sometimes days
that you are certain will be super productive are all but that and then on other
quiet days a real surprise happens.
And surprise was exactly what happened in Maridalen
today (I see that I have started the last two sentences with “but” and “and”
which breaks every rule I learnt (or is that “learned”?) at school…). When I
got up into the Dale around 0830 there was nothing to suggest it would be
anything but a quiet day. But a couple of Greenshank resting on a rock (water
levels are still very high) and a flyover Wood Sandpiper did at least suggest
there may have been some overnight movement. Then I heard a Whimbrel and picked
up three birds flying over the lake towards me. Two were clearly Whimbrel but
the third bird wa slightly smaller with a straight bill. I assumed first it was
another Greenshank but it didn’t quiet fit and then when I could see some
plumage details I realised it was a Bar-tailed Godwit! A new species for the
Dale and one that definitely wasn’t in my top ten list of expected additions to
the list – Dotterel was much higher up the list. The three birds flew lower and
lower and looked to go down on some fields a few hundred metres away. I hurried
over and there they were! A magnificent summer plumaged male Bar-tailed Godwit
on a newly sewn field in Maridalen!!! The birds quickly settled down and
although they were clearly aware of cars or joggers they didn’t seem too jumpy
and I eventually left them to it and went searching for more surprises. Not
long after though I heard one of the Whimbrel and looked up to see a male
Goshawk and the three waders in the air shortly to be joined by the two Greenshank
and then everything flew off.
Signs of migration were in short supply after this
though and the day reverted to the quiet one I had expected. I got to check out
some of the breeding birds though. There are still two pairs of Whooper Swans
in the valley. One pair has clearly given up its ambitions of breeding and is
now just eating grass together with Canada and Greylag Geese. The other pair
though is at the traditional breeding site but has yet to start nest building
(renovation) or egg laying. At Skjerven farm there are three pairs of Lapwings
on eggs and there is also a fourth pair of Lapwing in the valley but they have
not settled down yet and may end up not breeding. I have located a Black
Woodpecker nest and the female is in the whole and presumably on eggs.
The Three-toed
Woodpeckers are the real excitement at the moment and will (as promised) get
their own post later in the summer. Today’s action was an intruding female which
has been around since at least Sunday and seemed today to push off the old
female (identifiable as the breeding female from last year due to a damaged right
foot). It was fascinating watching the stand off and fighting between the two
females and I imagine that very few others have witnessed such behaviour.
Bar-tailed Godwit (lappspove) in Maridalen!!! |
what a bird! |
not bad in flight either |
when side by side with the Whimbrel (småspove) it looked larger due perhaps to longer legs |
although in flight was noticeably smaller |
this pair of Redstarts (rødstjert) may stay to breed but are most likely migrants |
the two female Three-toed Woodpeckers having a stand off which went on for hours |
here the male (top) briefly, and for the only time whilst I watched, joined the action |
male Adders are still dancing |
Black Woodpecker at its nest |
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