Regular readers of this blog with an understanding of
Norwegian geography will know that when I venture out of Oslo that it is
normally to the east. This by no way means that there is no good birding within
easy reach to the west of Oslo but with the traffic in Oslo being how it is
then heading east is normally a quicker option for me. Today however I headed
west. I have plans to find a Sibe Acc but there was rain and low cloud today so
I have put those plans on ice until tomorrow and instead headed to Buskerud
county (around Drammen) where a few locally good birds have been seen recently.
Linnesstranda has had Spotted Crake, Jack Snipe, Kingfisher and Bearded Tit and
Fiskumvannet has had Red-necked Grebe, Hawk Owl and a few different ducks.
I have visited Fiskumvannet only a couple of times before
but had never got the taste for it even though it has a very good reputation.
Today though I finally saw the potential it could have and almost wished that I
could take it with me and plonk it in the middle of Maridalen ;-) On the walk
out to the watch tower I saw the Hawk Owl that has been here a few weeks. It
was perched up by the path in a small wood and was bedraggled and looking very
sorry for itself. It was clearly actively looking for food on the woodland
floor but it all seemed far too wet to me for there to be any rodents. From the
tower I saw quite a few ducks but realised that there were a number of birds
not visible behind the reeds. I eventually realised that I could get up onto
the roof and here I had a much better view and saw a lot more birds. I found
the Red-necked Grebe, 3 Scaup, 5 Long-tailed Ducks, heard a couple of Water
Rails and had more common wildfowl. On the way back to the car Hawkie was still
by the patch but had clearly just been hunting as it had a frog! In its claws
which would explain why it was hunting in such a damp area. It stashed the frog
whilst I watched but looking at its expression it is difficult to know whether
it did so because it fancied a delicious snack later or whether it was just
hoping to catch something furrier instead. BWP does mention frogs as having
been recorded as a food item but very rarely and I’m sure this is a sign of
desperation if it is hunting them.
At Linnesstranda, which also has a watch tower the water
level was not as low as it has been the last couple of days and the area of mud
where the Spotted Crake and Jack Snipe had been showing was under water. The
crake however had been spotted in an area where the reeds were cut but not for
me. A Kingfisher which eventually showed after I had been hearing it on and off
for an hour was nice though.
iphone panorama of Fiskumvannet |
a very bedraggled Hawk Owl with ears |
frog for lunch? |
stashing it in the larder |
it was dark in the wood and this picture was taken at 6400 ISO and 1/160s |
not quite sure what to do with the frog (bottom left) |
Kingfisher (isfugl). The black bill shows it to be a male. I'm not sure if it can be aged |
a Dipper (fossekall) in the same place was unexpected |
this shot of the Red-necked Grebe (gråstrupedykker) can barely be called a record shot |
this adult and juv Red-throated Diver (smålom) have been at Linnesstranda a few days and are often close to land. The youngster doesn't seem to want to look after itself |
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