Even though it was forecast it was still a shock to wake up
to snow and wind this morning which could not be any more different to the
weather when I was owling only 12 hours earlier.
A drive around Maridalen revealed the effects of this change
in the weather. The fields at Skjerven that had held 9 active Lapwings (vipe)
yesterday afternoon now held just a single bird that was hunkering down and
seeing out the blizzard. Where are the others? Presumably down by the fjord in
a muddy bay.
The fields seemed devoid of passerines but I did
eventually find a single Mistle Thrush (duetrost) and Reed Bunting (sivspurv)
alongside Starlings (stær). By contrast, the feeding stations were heaving with
birds. I have often noticed this that as spring develops the feeders get used
less and less but if the weather turns then they are suddenly a magnet for all
the birds in the valley. Chaffinches (bokfink) were prominent but I only saw
males whereas of the three Bramblings (bjørkefink) I saw only one was a male.
This difference is I think due to the fact that the Chaffinches are all early
migrants and it is males that arrive first whereas the Bramblings may well be
some of the birds that have wintered in and around Oslo this winter and
therefore not migrants per se. I also had three Hawfinches.
a Starling (stær) on the church ruins in Maridalen |
rather grainy pictures showing male (left) and female Hawfinch (kjernebiter) |
the field at Skjerven which held 6 Whooper Swans and 9 Greylag Geese but only a single Lapwing today |
It continued snowing through the afternoon and this bought the first two Chaffinches of the year to the garden - again both were males.
male Chaffinch (bokfink) in the garden |
I've already updated this post so there's no harm updating it again. I've just had an SMS and a couple of pictures from Simon and Trevor who I guided on Thursday. Look what they have just found in Vardø and down to only 2 metres:
adult Ivory Gull! Photo: Simon Colenutt |
Photo: Simon Colenutt |
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