A rather peaceful couple of hours in Maridalen this morning
failed to reveal much signs of visible migration. A hunting Kestrel (tærnfalk) and
flyover Hawfinch (kjernebiter) were the highlights of an otherwise uneventful
outing. 120 Greylag Geese (grågås) feeding on a stubble field was a high count
for the sight and they demonstrated how unwild they are in comparison to the
Bean Geese by only getting anxious by my presence when I walked within 20
metres of them.
The day did start with a highpoint though as a Hobby
(lerkefalk) flew over as I dropped my
youngest off at school.
Greylag Geese have become incredibly common around Oslo especially in September when many thousand appear on suitable stubble fields |
Kestrel (tårnfalk) - this is, i assume, a young male as the tail is that of a male but the body plumage that of a female |
Tree Sparrows (pilfink) |
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