I set off today to look again for the Bean Geese (sædgås)
and see if I could locate more than the 144 I counted on Thursday. I counted
143 so I think we can put that down to counting error rather than a real decrease in numbers
part of the Bean Goose (sædgås) flock taking off from Flakstadmåsen |
There were no geese on the stubble field at Neskollen so I
continued up to the second feeding location identified from the satellite tag
at Flakstadmåsen. This is a large peat bog (over 1km in diameter) with some
commercial peat extraction at the northern end but in the southern end looking
very much like a bog that you would expect in a taiga forest – fitting for a taiga Bean Goose.
When I arrived at 0840 there were no geese to be seen and I
searched the whole bog often sinking up to my ankles. I found a few feathers
which I assume to be from Bean Geese but only a couple of droppings so began to
wonder if only a few birds rather than the whole flock had been using the bog and
a couple of juvenile Peregrines (vandrefalk) that were flying around calling
could well have frightened off any geese. The bog also held a male Merlin
(dvergfalk) and my first Great Grey Shrike (varsler) of the autumn and had a
very good feel about it with Crossbills (grankorsnebb) flying over and Willow
Tits (granmeis) and Crested Tits (toppmeis) calling from the edges. Just after
0920 when I was making my way back to the car I heard geese and turned round to
see a large flock flying in. From my pictures I was able to count 144. They
initially landed but as I tried to watch them half the flock flew up even
though I was still at over 200 metres range. These birds flew around calling
for over 5 minutes whilst I pulled back even further. The rest of the flock
then took off and joined them and after a few minutes all flew off north although a
flock of four soon turned round and headed off south.
From my photos I was also able to read a couple of neck
rings and identify three birds from the colour of their leg rings. It is good
to be able to contribute something to the research project.
in this picture there are four birds with satellite/gps collars of which two have visible colour leg rings and there are two neck collared birds although it is not possible to read the codes with 100% certainty |
here you can see some birds feeding on the bog including neck collar 3X |
After trying unsuccessfully to relocate I made my way to
Hellesjøvannet picking up a few Buzzards (musvåk), a Merlin and a Kestrel
(tårnfalk) on the way. At Hellesjøvannet there was a huge feeding flock of 1300
Greylag Geese (grågås). I have no idea where such large numbers come from and saw
no colour rings to help me find out. Also here 75 Pochards (taffeland) and a
number of family parties of Great Crested Grebes which still had small young
and will not fledge for weeks. There were a number of pipits and wagtails in
the fields here. I heard two Red-throated Pipits (lappiplerke) but only saw one
distantly in flight. Yellow Wagtails (gulerle) showed much better around the
feet of some cows and showed off the amazing range of plumages they show in the
Various other other pictures from today:
light morph Common Buzzard (musvåk). These birds are very striking and equally confusing and have been claimed as all manor of rare raptors over the years |
can you see my first Great Grey Shrike of the year? |
juvenile Peregrine (vandrefalk) |
Sparrowhawk |
Yellow Wagtails presumably of the race thunbergi showing a variety of plumages |
juvenile Yellow Wagtail - a particularly cold bird with very prominent white supercilium and throat. |
another juvenile with slightly less promient supercilium |
a much yellower juvenile |
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