Just a short post now and a few pictures but I will add some
video tomorrow.
Maridalen really delivered the goods today. A singing
Grasshopper Warbler (gresshoppesanger) was found last night (not by me) so I
was keen to hear and hopefully see this bird which would be a patch tick
although a very short visit at 9am in wind and rain unsurprisingly did not
reveal it.
Around 5pm I took the whole family in to look at the Tawny
Owls (kattugle) as I suspected that they would be leaving the nest any day
soon. As we walked into the wood we heard an adult and then saw this.
I only
had the mobile with me so had to take the picture with it.
Nearby a red male Rosefinch (rosenfink) was singing, the
Wryneck (vendehals) was singing and a Common Tern (Makrellterne) was feeding
over the lake.
Returning with camera between 1900 and 2200 I had even
better luck. The Grasshopper Warbler was heard, seen and photographed as was
the River Warbler (elvesanger). The male Red-backed Shrike (tornskate) was
seen, Osprey (fiskeørn) and Kestrel (tårnfalk) flew over and Icterine Warbler
(gulsanger), Whitethroat (tornsanger) and Garden Warblers (hagesanger) were
singing. In the Tawny Owl wood there was a heck of a commotion with an adult
calling continually and thrushes scolding. When I walked in there was a fledged
youngster clinging to a tree (it then proceeded to fall off) and another
sticking its head out of the nest hole. The youngster that had come out did not
look able to fly but can I assume climb up trees using its claws. Quite why
they leave the nest at such an undeveloped stage I don’t know.
On the lake a late Whimbrel (småspove) was resting on an
island, 3 adult Black-throated Divers (storlom), a female Goldeneye (kvinand)
with 3 ducklings, the pair of Greylag Geese (grågås) still with 3 young and the
pair of Canada Geese (kanadagås) which seem to have lost their young.
A fantastic set of birds and a double rainbow to top it all
Grasshopper Warbler - note how streaky it is |
River Warbler - very dull plumage |
Grasshopper Warbler |
River Warbler |
Grasshopper Warbler |
Osprey and Crow |
Tawny Owl chick clinging on to a tree |
Tawny Owl chick after it fell off tree. Note the downy feathers andfar from fully developed flight feathers |
Nice shot of Tree Sparrow (pilfink) |
Rainbow over Maridalsvannet |
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