A nocturnal trip to
Maridalen on Wednesday night revealed Woodcock and Snipe but nothing more
interesting. It would appear that another 3 birders were also out during the
course of the night and it seemed I missed a Marsh Warbler and lots of Tawny
Owls (I have yet to note this species in 2018!).
On Thursday I biked a but
around Oslo and failed to find Black Redstart even though one seems to have settled
down at last years breeding site. A flyover Hobby here though was a good bird.
I found a singing Icterine Warbler just a stone’s throw from the house which is
a god urban record but found no House Martins at a colony that has seemed to
decline year for year and maybe now is over. It is possible though that the
extremely hot weather we are having has meant that nest building is impossible
and they may just be waiting for rain or else have moved elsewhere (there are
quite a few in Maridalen).
In the evening Per
Christian went out for our first proper nocturnal trip of the year. It is still
early in the season but the very hot weather which is forecast to continue
should be good for bringing in birds. We started in Østfold where a Bittern has
been present a while and this was booming already when we arrived at 20:15. The
reedbeds here were not extensive at all and we thought we might actually see it
but gave up after an hour. We did have a singing Wryneck nearby (only my third
record in 2018) but no raptors in the area – I had expected to see Hobby and
Honey Buzzard.
Working our way back to
Oslo we had 3 Marsh Warblers, 2 Thrush Nightingales, 2 Nightjars singing
together, a Corncrake and finally in Maridalen a Tawny Owl. With three Moose
this must go down as a successful start to the season. The Corncrake and
Nightjars were particularly pleasing as they were at close range and could
really be heard well although my attempts at recording them have ended up in the recycle bin.
Today had me walking in
the hills above Maridalen searching for Hazel Grouse and I succeeded with good
views of a male but I had no repeat of my Greenish Warbler discovery of last
year. Wood Warblers have also finally made it into Maridalen so maybe things
are just delayed. There was also a Marsh Warbler singing in Maridalen which we
had not heard around midnight and most likely arrived in the early hours.
male Hazel Grouse (jerpe) |
I never manage to get the sharp, well lit photo I hope for because they are always in the shade of the forest and give you only a few seconds before they whir off |
Black Woodpecker (svartspett) |
male Reed Bunting (sivspurv) |
an old male Common Rosefinch (rosenfink) |
It also looks like 2018 will be a good year for butterflies and today I had my first Green Hairstreaks and Holly Blue plus Camberwell Beauty, Comma and Speckled Wood.
Green Hairstreak (grønnstjertvinge) |
Holly Blue (vårblåvinge) |
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