Wednesday 24 July 2024

Losing species

I had decided to keep things cool with Fru G and maybe see if she was more interested in forming a relationship with someone else that I could perhaps turn into a threesome (i.e let someone else do the hard work and I could jump on at the end when something good was found). Well, my coolness didn’t last long when the International Ornithological Conference (IOC) published its latest update to the birds of the world. They announced that Redpolls would now be lumped into one species which would mean that I would lose two species from #Oslo2024 as Arctic and Lesser Redpoll would cease to be species but rather sub-species. I don’t know how quickly this will be adopted by eBird but I expect it will happen before year end. I am therefore now on 186 species and 200 becomes a more distant dream.

A singing Savi’s Warbler was reported from Østensjøvannet yesterday and although it seemed a most improbable record I decided to be in it and headed straight down. A grasshopper (the insect) was all I could hear.


When I awoke this morning to hear heavy rain I suddenly found myself in it again and was on my way to Gressholmen faster than a Hobby hunting a Swift. It was mid way between high and low tide but there was not much mud showing and not a single migrant wader. Luckily at mid-day there are 4 boats an hour so I could leave quickly and not let Fru G see how much she is hurting me.

this is what rejection looks like - a waderless tidal bay

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