Searching for birds in the forests around Oslo in the winter
months is a very hit and miss affair but this morning was crisp, wind free and
sunny which in my experience greatly increases the chances of finding birds
primarily because it is much easier to hear them. I had a hope of finding three
of Oslo’s more special resident birds: Pygmy Owl, Three-toed Woodpecker and
Hazel Grouse, and there is also the very slim possibility of rarer birds such
as Pine Grosbeak at this time of the year. From my own experience finding just
one of these species is a good so finding two today was a real result. The
forest was quite alive with birds primarily due to the high numbers of Common
Crossbills that are around including a number of singing birds which is a sign
that they will soon start breeding (crossbills breed when food is most
available rather than at specific times of the year). I also had quite a few
tits including a flock of 10 Long-tails and heard a Black Woodpecker. The two
star birds though were first a female Three-toed Woodpecker that was suddenly
feeding silently low down on a tree trunk in front of me but which rather
infuriatingly and also atypically for the species proved to be shy and flew off
far too quickly. The second result was a Hazel Grouse. This species has been
extremely difficult to find this year so I was very happy when I located a
single bird. I played a game of cat and mouse with it and did at one time come
quite close as it perched high in a tree but it refused to look at me so the
pictures are more suitable for a mystery photo competition.
The Great Grey Shrike was also still present in Maridalen
and I saw it plunging down into long grass presumably after a mouse although it
flew up empty beaked and then half a minute later it chased after a Blue Tit
without me seeing the result of this chase. Although resembling a miniature raptor
they catch their prey using their bill rather than their claws.
A trip to Fornebu was of course also on the cards with the
weather being so good and the chance of good photo light. My success with the
Kingfisher yesterday had resulted in an increase in CO2 emissions today with
probably double figures of birders / photographers having taken the trip to
Storøykilen at lunchtime today. Unfortunately though it looks like no one
connected today. The Bearded Tits though were to be found although they took a
lot of patience. As seems to be typical with the species their calls whilst
feeding low down in the reeds are generally only audible at 10 metre range and
it is only when the flock moves to another area that they call more loudly and
allow themselves to be located. I was lucky enough to hear the birds calling on
one of those occasions when they were moving and succeeded in locating four
birds which eventually showed very well and allowed themselves to be gloated
over by another couple of lucky birders. We had the birds down to 5 metres
range although there was a wire fence between us and the birds and the sun was
behind the birds but slightly fuzzy back lit photos do have a certain charm….
Whilst enjoying these special birds I became aware of a
tapping behind me and when I realised the sound was coming from high up in a
thin branched tree I hoped it would be a Lesser Spot and indeed it was. A fine
male, he had clearly located a grub and was hacking away at a branch. A little
later whilst trying to locate the tits which were calling we saw a Great Grey
Shrike fly out of the reeds where the tits were – it had clearly been on a
Bearded Tit hunt! It wasn’t successful but it reminded me of thispicture of a Pygmy Owl with a Bearded Tit in its talons.
The lighting in the forest today was not so good so the
pictures from there are not even so so but the Fornebu pictures have come out
very well as has a short video.
male Bearded Tit (skjeggmeis) and autumnal colours |
back lit female |
the first picture un |
In this video note that you can see the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker extracting and eating the bug it was searching for. Also in the very last second of the woodpecker sequence you can hear a ping from a Bearded Tit. Remember to open in YouTube and choose HD quality.
the Fornebu Great Grey Shrike (varsler) that tried its luck with the tits |
uncropped Hazel Grouse (jerpe) |
the only shot where any of the head shows - looks like it was a female |
male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (dvergspett) in action |
really probing in the branch |
with a splinter in its beak |
Long-tailed Tit (stjertmeis) |
a far from photogenic Three-toed Woodpecker (tretåspett). The black head showing it to be a female |
Maridalsvannet at 0847 with the iPhone from the car |
Maridalsvannet from a different angle at 1052 |
Storøykilen, Fornebu. This picture is taken at 1351 but there is still some ice on the (salt) water. Temperatures overnight were only just below zero but with no wind it was enough for ice to form |
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