Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Owls, Owls, Owls!

On Sunday night myself, Jack and Jr had planned a new trip to Owl Road but the forecast kept getting colder and colder and in the end I decided it would just be too cold to be out trying to get photos and film which was my main aim. The forecast later in the week was for warmer, but still minus temperatures so we decided to plan on going another day.

As things transpired Jr Jr needed to be picked up from a friend later in the evening from a place which was about a quarter of the way to owl road so I, spur of the moment, decided to go owling on my own. And that turned out to be a good decision despite nearly getting frostbite in my fingers.

It was dead still, with not a breath of wind and cloudless although the moon wasn’t up. Temperatures were about -16C which isn’t that cold but holding on to metal objects without gloves does soon lead to great pain. I also find I don’t function that well in the cold and dark when I am trying to operate a camera which requires me to have my glasses on when viewing the screen, no gloves to operate the screen, pointing a headtorch in the right direction whilst also looking at the camera, having to switch to and operate manual focus at times, and also having to hold me breath as I was producing so much cloudy “breath” that the light of the head torch would just reflect back off it. I did manage to take a lot of film and pictures though with surprisingly few ending being immediately placed in the trash. Unfortunately I discovered fewer videos on my phone and camera than I thought I had taken so clearly had my usual problem of not pressing the record button when I thought I had.

I managed to see Tengmalm’s Owl well this time and eventually get some footage  of two males although my initial attempts were fruitless and I was close to giving up. I also heard and recorded a male giving a call very similar to Tawny Owl which I have heard only once before. A presumed female also gave a “tsjuck” call whilst a male was singing.

This was only the starter though. There had been very little traffic along the road and I had not seen any other owlers until quarter past nine when a car pulled up next to me as I was trying to film a Tengmalm’s. After working out who we were (not easy in the dark and with hats on) I was informed that there were Great Grey Owls also to be heard that night… And it turned out not just heard but also, it turned out a half hour later, to be seen 😊


I consumed that main course slowly and with great delight but had to wait until Monday morning for dessert which was Hawkie selling its wares again in the Dale.


Owls, Owls, Owls!!!!!

singing Great Grey Owl (lappugle)

footage of the GG from the bazooka:

footage of the GG from the phone:

Tengmalm's Owl (perleugle)

video from the bazooka:

this video has song and also the Tawny Owl like call:

Hawk Owl (haukugle)

and various pictures from my phone:

filming the GG


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