Tuesday 15 October 2024

A clear out

After a couple of nights with heavy frost (the scraping off car type) there has been an almost total clear out of birds from Maridalen. Gone are the large flocks of Brambling and Greylag Geese and there are precious few other birds either. Even though the rowan trees are still full of berries there is now nothing feeding on them so if Pine Grosbeaks and Waxwings (I have yet to see one this autumn) come then there will be lots for them to eat.

After 6 attempts I think I have given up on Tengmalm’s Owl in Oslo. There is nothing to suggest it is a rodent year in these parts and I have yet to uncover a Pygmy Owl this autumn either.

Evening trips with the thermal have revealed the first Woodcock of the autumn on the stubble fields alongside Common Snipe.

a sure sign that things are quiet on the bird front is when I decide to take photos of common birds coz they look nice..

juvenile Water Rail (vannrikse) at Fornebu. This is the first time I have managed to get a photo of one of the products of this year's breeding

a long driving lesson with Jr on Sunday took us out east where there were still lots of Greylag Geese. Here at Kragtorpvika, Hemnessjøen

and a Hen Harrier (myrhauk) at Hellesjøvannet

Aspen (osp) is the favourite tree of Black Woodpeckers and Beavers and also looks fantastic in autumn

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