Friday 7 June 2024

Valdres cabin weekend installment 3

This covers passerines excluding Siberian Jay and Cuckoo (if they count as passerines?)

There are not many passerines at altitude but Norway’s two commonest breeding species – Meadow Pipit and Willow Warbler are pretty much ubiquitous and Bluethroats, Wheatears and Yellow Wagtails are also pretty widespread. Shore Lark and Snow Bunting can be found high up and slightly lower down Lapland Bunting but we only had three birds this year and this species is in serious trouble in southern Norway.

male Bluethroat (blåstrupe) right outside the cabin

male Lapland Bunting (lappspurv)

they perform quite long display flights

Shore Lark (fjellerke)

the american name Horned Lark is very descriptive

male Snow Bunting (snøspurv)

female (Grey-headed) Yellow Wagtail (gulerle/såerle)

this Pied Flycatcher (svarthvit fluesnapper) was singing by a nestbox at the cabin in an area with few trees and bushes

Redstart (rødstjert) are fairly common in the mountain birch forest

this male Ring Ouzel (ringtrost) clearly already had young to feed which seems like a very early date

this singing 2cy male Common Rosefinch (rosenfink) at 940moh was definitely unexpected

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