Lesser Black-backed Gull joined the year list today but was preceded
by a Twite so my predictions aren’t that bad after all.
Winter returned today with overnight snow and temperatures
only rising to +3C due to cloudy skies. This of course wasn’t likely to result
in any new wave of spring migrants but a trip along the Glomma River today
showed that spring migration is continuing. The most noticeable change was that
Whooper Swan numbers have halved with birds continuing north and numbers now
increasing in Hedmark county.
I only managed to find 42 Taiga Bean Geese (and only 5
tagged birds) on the favoured field but the birds were feeding in a difficult
to observe position and it is likely there were more there although I doubt
that over 80 birds were able to hide from me and is possible that birds have
moved on already or more likely were using a different field (they were not
resting on the river). There were 46 Pink-footed Geese on the same Felds but
they were feeding separately.
The snow had caused Skylarks to congregate and a flock of 80
contained 4 Snow Buntings but no Shore Larks or Lapland Buntings (still very
early for these species). Lapwings were very scarce on fields today but some
had flocked together on mudbanks on the river where food was hopefully easier
to find.
There are still no flocks of thrushes on the fields except
for on one steep south facing and not frozen slope where I had 30 Starlings, 12
Fieldfares and a Mistle Thrush.
I had no raptors today but did have two Great Grey Shrikes.
Pink-footed Geese (kortnebbgås) closest, with Taiga Bean Geese (sædgås), Cranes (trane) and Whooper Swans (sangsvane) behind the fence |
Taiga Bean Geese including "7U" |
Mistle Thrush (duetrost) |
Skylarks (sanglerke) in the snow |
3 Snow Buntings (snøspurv) in flight |
4 Snow Buntings (snøspurv) |
Whooper Swans (sangsvane) in flight |
and nearby a dead bird underneath electricty wires |
Great Black-backed Gull (svartbak), Lesser Black-backed Gull (sildemåke) and obscured Herring Gulls (gråmåke). This Great Black-back has grey/ green legs (should be pink) which should mean it is a Kelp Gull but I don't think anything else matches Kelp Gull which would be a first for Scandinavia... |
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