
Friday 24 May 2024

Evening surprises

I had absolutely no expectations yesterday as it was hot and sunny again but it turned out to be a very good day. A stop at Østensjøvannet gave me Marsh Warbler, Oslo #175, but nothing else and then Årnestangen revealed nothing of real interest even though high water levels have created some really nice looking marsh areas. I also had nothing to write home about in Maridalen and whilst making dinner at home thought all I had to look forward to in the evening was the final of the Premier League of Darts on TV.

A check of the reporting website Artsobservasjoner revealed though that a pair of Garganey had been seen at Maridalsvannet in the morning. Well there was only one thing to do once dinner had been served (I skipped it myself). I met up with Halvard and we went down to the small bay where we thought they might be. We split up to cover it from different directions and in the process Halvard scared up a small flock of Teal which contained the Garganey, Oslo #176, but didn’t see them himself. They flew around a corner and it was not until a lot later that I refound them resting on an island. Whilst all this was happening messages came in from Gressholmen of first Grey Plover and then Temminck’s Stint – so there were waders moving but I was in the wrong place. However, in my efforts to refind the Garganeys I did find my own Temminck’s, Oslo #177, on the only, tiny, patch of mud that remains 😊. So, two unexpected birds after I had put the bins away for the day!

Inspired by this and after enjoying great darts I headed out at 11pm expecting to find loads of night singers. It was perfect conditions – warm and wind free but the birds were absent and it is probably still a week too early for most species.

As I write this it is looking very thundery outside and I am planning to take the 10am ferry to Gressholmen. Monday also has lots of rain forecast so maybe there are still some more waders to find. I feel confident of breaking my Oslo record of 191 now but 200 does seem unlikely.

pair of Garganey (knekkand) with male Teal (krikkand)

eventually refound them

one wader on the only piece of mud

Temminck's Stint

Marsh Warbler (myrsanger)

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