
Saturday 14 January 2023

Week 2 2023

Another week has passed, and my lack of blogging does not mean that I haven’t been out and about. We have had some warm weather and rain which has fallen on snow and now made most ground into an ice rink which makes every step a dangerous one.

The warm weather has seemingly brought the first “spring” migrants and I have had an out of place Starling at Fornebu associating with a few Fieldfares and Blackbirds finding food on now green areas. I had hoped that the plus temperatures would reproduce a warbler or two at Fornebu but their fate now seems certain. The Bearded Tits are thriving though and I have found them in four different reedbeds and have yet to check the one where I first saw then in the autumn. I would have thought the chances of some staying to the spring and attempting to breed are higher than ever.

I have spent some time with a rather cool but sensitive species and will write about that at a later stage.

The unseasonal thaw brought this Beaver out of his lodge in Maridalen

Long-tailed Tit (stjertmeis) also exploiting the that to find food on the ground

early Starling (stær)

male Hawfinch (kjernebiter)

look at the size of the bill!

I have seen few mooe this year but this mother and calf had left the forest to look for food

a Kestrel (tårnfalk) was finding voles in the same area as the Hawk Owl which I again visited

although it was less photogenic this time

Goldcrest (fuglekonge)

Bearded Tits (skjeggmeis)

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm visiting a friend here near Oslo. I went twice to Fornebru and saw only goldfinches. Can you please tell me around what area I can see the beavers or the Bearded Tits?
