
Thursday 25 August 2016

OSLO waders

I couldn't resist following up on yesterday's good waders on Gressholmen so took the boat out this morning. I visited Gressholmen and Nakkholmen and also had views over Lindøya and Galteskjær so had control over the most likely sites.

Waders don't often hang around on the islands but with it being overcast last night and low cloud and drizzle this morning I had high hopes. In addition to yesterday's Little Stints and Knot I entertained the idea of Turnstone and Sanderling also turning up. It was quite exciting getting to the bay at Gressholmen but the excitement soon turned to disappointment with just 4 Greenshank, 1 Redshank, 3 Common Sands, 5 Ringed Plover and 2 Dunlin present. Three herons and an Osprey perched in trees were a little exotic. Gressholmen does have more wader habitat than just the large bay and an offshore rock held another 4 Dunlin and 3 Knot. YES, happy boy - my 215th Oslo species!

Passerines were for some reason very scarce with no chats or the like.

Taking the boat to Nakkholmen I saw there were some waders roosting on a rock just offshore and soon found myself looking at another 7 Knot and 2 Dunlin. Just as I was getting some good pics a canoeist appeared and went right up to them and spooked them – the smile he had from a close encounter of the natural kind quickly vanished when he noticed me and my camera and he paddled off embarrassed. They flew over to nearby Galteskjær where there were also 3 Ringed Plover.

A rock off Lindøya held another 7 Ringed Plover and 3 Dunlin and nearly two hours later (after having missed the boat) another 2 Knot were on the rock which had earlier held 7 whilst the 7 were still on Galteskjær but had now increased to 9!! So an absolute minimum of 11 (seen together) but the 3 on Gressholmen may have been additional and the 7 and 9 were not necessarily the same. But even the minimum number of 11 meant that I had seen nearly as many individual Knots as had EVER previously been recorded in Oslo!!!

Nakkholmen held a few more passerines including 4 species of warbler but nothing too dramatic.

The two Knot (polarsnipe) that I saw on Nakkholmen. All the Knot I saw today were juveniles

7 Knot and 2 Dunlin (myrsnipe) on the same rock on Nakkholmen nearly 2 hours earlier

still lots of flowers

the birds suddenly took flight and I thought it was this fisherman but it turned out to be a canoeist who paddled between me and the birds

My very first Oslo Knot at Gressholmen here with a couple of Dunlin

the last Knot of the day - 9 birds on Galteskjær
Galteskjær as seen from Nakkholmen with Oslo and a large cruise ship in the background. This rock also held 3 Ringed Plover, a Dunlin and is a breeding site fr Lesser Blac-backed Gulls. The Cormorant you see do not yet breed in the Oslo area but it is probably just a matter of time

an obliging Greenshank (gluttsnipe)

Greenshank and Redshank (rødstilk)

4 adult and a juv Ringed Plover (sandlo) and 2 juv Dunlin

a juv Shelduck (gravand) with 3 Eider
not often I try to take pictures of Hooded Crow (kråke) but this one sat obligingly

I think he was trying to tell me something

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