
Friday 25 September 2015


I teamed up with Rune Z for a trip to Østfold today. We headed first today for Hvaler where we hoped we would witness some viz mig but when we arrived the wind from SW was far too strong and we should maybe have chosen seawatching but when we did gaze out over the sea there was not much happening there either. We did have one good bird though in the firm of a Lapland Bunting which unusually for this species perched up at close range for just long enough for a few photos to be taken.

With so little to see we even popped into the Great Big Dump and saw a long staying Black-tailed Godwit.

The drive back to Oslo saw us in twitching modus looking for a Norwegian X for the both of us. A juvenile Rose-coloured Starling had been found at Rygge Train Station yesterday but the only information we had was that we deduced it must have been showing well due to this photo by its finder, Arild Hansen, shows. We drove up to the station at 1pm with no information as to whether the bird had been seen today and there were no other birders present. There were however many Starlings present in small flocks feeding on berries which were available on many bushes and trees in the area. Whilst we were trying to get to grip with the flocks they all joined together and as they flew into the top of a large oak tree we saw the target bird amongst them. It took a while to find it in the oak and views (and photos) were not very good but the flock started flying down in small groups to feed and it looked like we would be treated to better views. Just then though a train pulled up though and the whole flock spooked and flew off. We did manage to relocate them again a few hundred metres away and glimpsed the Rosy but again they flew off and with a need to get back to Oslo before the early Friday rush hour started we had to leave the bird although can see that others got to enjoy them better than us later in the day.
juvenile Rose-coloured Starling (rosenstær) - the best picture I managed high up in an oak tree
and in flight

it should have been perched up here amongst all its Common cousins

Lapland Bunting (lappspurv) - its unusual to see them so well  away from their mountain breeding sites
this Guillemot (lomvi) at Øra was paddling vigorously with its feet which they did not look to be designed for (but they undoubtedly work well when it stands on a tiny ledge high up on a cliff)
a Black-tailed Godwit (svarthalespove)......


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