
Wednesday 26 August 2015


It was Fornebu’s turn today and, ever the optimist, I hoped that there would be an increase in migrants. One species was to be found in very good numbers: a flock of 60 Yellow Wagtails is the highest number I have encountered here. Willow Warblers were still in dismally low numbers although I did just break into double figures. A finally found a Bluethroat here although failed to get a photo. The Red-backed Shrikes have now moved on and are probably a long way south in Europe already and Whinchats were also in lower numbers. 2 Redstarts and single of Pied and Spotted Flycatcher added some interest and a couple of Ospreys flew south together. I flushed a pipit that called once and it was most likely a Red-throated but I needed to hear it again to confirm that it wasn't just a strange Tree Pipit but unfortunately it remained silent as it flew off.

Maridalen was equally quiet although I did have my first Wheatear of the autumn.
a LesserWhitethroat (møller)

Sparrowhawk (spurvehauk) at Fornebu
the same Sparrowhawk having a go at a Crow
1cy Wheatear (steinskvett)

same bird. It was more interested in something (which I couldn't see) in the sky than it was in me

Whinchat (buskskvett) and Willow Warbler (løvsanger)

Willow Warbler (løvsanger)

This Willow Warbler had a bit of the Raddes about it

some of the many Yellow Wagtails (gulerle) - there are 8 in this shot
Tree Pipit (trepiplerke)

female Redstart (rødstjert)

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