
Monday 25 May 2015


I awoke at 6am and thought I was wide awake and ready for a pre-breakfast Maridalen trip although by 7am I realised that was not really the case. As I lightened my load before going out I saw that Rune Zak had been out in the wee hours and heard a Corncrake (Åkerriske) at Østensjøvannet. Well it’s only 10 minutes there from the house and it would be nice to get reacquainted with this regular bur rare summer visitor. The bird couldn’t have been easier! It was singing in a field close to houses and right by where I parked the car. And even better for only the third time I actually saw this most secrective species. Only its head mind you but it sang from the same place for a good 5 minutes. It even allowed me to return to the car and get the tripod which resulted in a slightly better than usual video. The video is stil cr*p mind you due to light and distance blah, blah, blah….

A cool experience none-the-less.

After this Maridalen didn't quite deliver as I had hoped with no Common Rosefinch (rosenfink) for me but Wryneck (vendehals) and Icterine Warbler (gulsanger) revealed their presence. Both Lapwing (vipe) broods were still present which is a tribute to their parents given the hazards faced from cats, foxes and crows. Cats especially pop up all over the place in Maridalen often far from houses and must take an inexcusable toll on the bird population.
An unexpected and reassuring find was the Whooper Swans (sangsvane) on a nest. They have chosen to nest on the smallest of ponds on the edge of a cultivated field and I will be very surprised if they manage to raise a family here. I believe they must have chosen this site in only the last couple of weeks but have quickly built a large nest.

In the afternoon a family trip to Gressholmen gave us lots of Eiders (ærfugl) including young but single Whimbrel (småspove) and Greenshank (gluttsnipe) were the best waders and there were certainly no Dunlin or even Broad-billed Sandpipers to entertain us. The Ringed Plover (sandlo) pair were still present but off the nest. They seemed a bit anxious but I saw no sign of any young.
Corncrake (åkerrikse). Bad photo but the only one I took showing more than just part of the head

sharpest picture but little visible
the other side of the head


Eider (ærfugl) family at Gressholmen

male Eider

The nesting Whooper Swans (sangsvane) in Maridalen

Wryneck (vendehals) in Maridalen
flight photos have never been anything I mastered but I practised today with a Common Gull (fiskemåke) and believe it or not found that a faster shutter speed helps......

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