
Tuesday 4 March 2014


The grey, damp & cold weather continues although the winds veered to the east today after being from the south. I went searching for geese again today.

There was still nothing to see at the Bean Goose straging grounds along the Glomma River but the water level is noticeably lower and although the mudbanks are not exposed I suspect they will be in the course of a week or so which is a good sign. 21 Whooper Swans (sangsvane) flew north and two were on the river but there were none to be found in any of the fields in this area.

Around Bjørkelangen this was still lots of life and the Bean Geese (sædgås) had all come together with 28 fabalis and 2 rossicus. Totals in the valley were: 365 Whooper Swans, 65 Greylag Geese (grågås) and 135 Canada Geese (kanadagås). The large Mallard (stokkand) flock from Thursday had disappeared though with less than 10 birds showing themselves.

I drove as far as Hellesjøvannet which was ice free but also more or less bird free. Alongside six Goldeneyes (kvinand) though was a female Pochard (taffeland) which is a very early record.

On the way home I stopped at Merkja where the Whooper Swan flock numbers over 170 birds although no Bewick’s among them. The Brent Goose (ringgås) was still showing well though.

In Maridalen, 23 Whooper and 2 Mute Swans is probably a swan record for the lake and a sign that there has been some movement even if it was not immediately apparent further east.
some of the Whooper Swans on Maridalsvannet

Whooper Swans, Bean and Greylag Geese

setting the scene: the same field as above using the 150mm lens

the flooded field with Whooper Swans is also used by the Bean Geese

close of up some of Maridalsvannet's Whoopers

isn't Brent Goose small? Here with a Canada Goose and Whooper Swans

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