
Saturday 25 January 2014

Apple tree

An usual weekend post from me but with 10 minutes to spare between a late, lie-in induced, breakfast and taking the family to the ski slopes I checked out the apple tree. Just four Waxwings (sidensvans) this morning but the Blackcap (munk) was present and allowed me to see it feeding on apples – a fine male which dispelled any thoughts I may have had that the tacking call from yesterday actually belonged to a far rarer warbler. At 0930 on an overcast morning it is still very dark and the pictures bare evidence of this.

Whilst skiing a vole risked its life as it ran across one of the slopes – hopefully a good sign regarding owls this year.

male Blackcap (munk) - a very scarce winter visitor in Oslo

Waxwing (sidensvans) - a common winter visitor in Oslo although always a delight to see