
Saturday 15 June 2013

Finnmark 2013 day 2

This update comes a bit as we have been without mobile coverage since yesterday evening. That didn't help too much when we awoke to a flat battery in our auotomatic hybrid hire car. A brisk walk to find coverage, a call to Avis, some coffee on the camping stove and two hours later we were mobile again.

Birding wise we have yet to find the big rarity but good birding have we had none the less. An inland marsh area where we slept gave us many many birds. The undoubted highlight being displaying Jack Snipe (kvartbekkasin) which sound like galloping horses - a very strange sound from such a small bird. Also here Little Gulls (dvergmåke), Ruff (brushane), Bar-tailed Godwits (lappspove) and taiga (rossicus) Bean Geese (sædgås) amongst many others.

Earlier in the day we had checked the whole coast line from Vadsø to Hamningberg but had little to show for it. Best birds being a single White-billed Diver (gullnebbøom) and King Eider (praktærfugl). There were many gulls in Vadsø and we had 4 1cy Glaucous (polarmåke). Also a few comour ringed gulls at least one of which bore a British ring.

We are off to try our luck at some seawatching from Nesseby in good conditions. Maybe a fluffy plumaged shearwater will fly by?

1 comment:

  1. Exciting reading looking forward to next installment. Mitch
