
Tuesday 5 June 2012

Great Reed Warbler

Whilst Norway’s keenest twitchers were making the overnight journey to Sør Trøndelag for the country’s first Sandhill Crane (kanadatrane), Maridalen was witnessing its own mini-twitch with five birders listening to the Grasshopper Warbler (gresshoppsanger) when I was there around midnight. For one short moment we were able to listen to the Grasshopper Warbler and Corncrake (åkerrikse) simultaneously although the Corncrake only sang very intermittently. The River Warbler (elvesanger) was also singing earlier in the evening.

I discovered that "my" Tawny Owls (kattugle)  are not the five that had been ringed. These birds were in a nest box only about 500m away which seems to be incredibly close and is evidence that there is a very healthy population of prey be that rodents or small birds. Even more surprising though that I haven't heard any hooting owls earlier in the year. A youngster sticking its head out of the nest box today but no sign of any adults or uesterdays youngster - hopefully everything is well with them.
Young Tawny Owl contemplating leaving the nest box. Something morbid about this look with the red skin around the eyes

As the female Tawny Owl begins to incubate when the first egg is laid and lays a new egg every two days there is a large difference in the development of the youngsters so it takes a few days for them all to leave the nest.
Today I went to see the Great Reed Warbler (Trostesanger) discovered in Østfold last Thursday at a site Rune and I had been to only the previous day. It was calling and singing loudly from the reedbed when I arrived and showed in flight and perched a few times although was being chased rather a lot by an angry Reed Warbler. Also here a couple of singing Marsh Warblers.
Great Reed Warbler peering through the reeds

At Øra nothing of any interest to see after the last couple of weeks of excitement there. Nothing of any real interest at Kurefjorden either although a late Dunlin (myrsnipe) was on the mud and an Osprey (fiskeørn) flew over with some eel like fish.
Osprey with dinner

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